“Happiness is not the destination, but a manner of traveling.”
Last night, the Mysterious Marine and Wookie came over for dinner. Simple enough. Spaghetti, French Bread, and a green salad with a side show. Throughout the visit, the entertainment was provided by two zooming dogs that couldn’t get enough of each other.
With each dog, one only needs to mention the name of the other to incite pandemonium. At my house, Oliver was jittery with delight while awaiting the arrival of his girlfriend. Running from the front window to the door, there was no containing him. All this excitement because he heard the the Mysterious Marine and Wookie were on the way.
The only time Oliver “talks” is when Wookie is involved. And talk he does.
“Woo. Woo. Wah-woo-dee-do.”
All in a soft lipped hound-y little way. Absolutely a show stopper. He never did this before we met her and doesn’t do it for any other occasion. Just for his heartthrob, Wookie.
On the other side of town, a quiet Wookie became frenzied at the sound of Oliver’s name. So fully of wiggles she could hardly stand still for the leash. These two are insanely happy when they are together. And, last night, they only wanted to do the Conga. Repeatedly and without music. They must have watched the video to get the idea.
Try as I did this morning, I attempted to attach the video that plays with the still photo above. The dogs dance round and round the room to a rough version of the Conga song. Google it. It’s good for a laugh. The still photo, however, does give a visual for last night’s canine activities in full view of their two owners.
Now I understand. They only wanted to Conga! Well, who doesn’t? It’s a great dance!
Dogs teach us a few things about happiness. It’s the path, not the destination. Oliver follows his nose on his many adventures while followed by the cutest puppy butt and wagging tail. In the moment, he lives his life. He gardens the natural flowers of happiness in his own little soul. Happiness. When he’s with Wookie, sheer bliss.
Dogs live their lives fully in the present. We’d be wise to follow their example from time to time while remembering this:
The Past is History.
The Future is a Mystery.
The Present is all we have.
Accept it and keep moving forward.
As the dogs zoomed around the rooms, running in and out the doggie door, they were the embodiment of bliss. For the two, there is room for no other. Just a constant conga line for two.
When the night came to an end, Oliver was spent. He found a cozy spot near my feet and fell fast asleep to dreams of the next time he’ll be with HER.
As a side note, preparing dinner for the Mysterious Marine created an evening of fresh, new memories. It doesn’t matter whether the meal is Filet Mignon or simple Spaghetti and Meatballs, just like happiness, it isn’t about the food on the plate. It’s about quality time spent together with true friends.
As the days go by, MM and I continue to know each other more through honest communication, laughter, and respect. They say dogs often look and behave like their owners. I must admit, we are a pretty happy pack of four these days. No denying that.
With Thanksgiving preparations underway, I’m grateful for so many things. The biggest change in the last year is that, in my summer of miracles, God has graced me with more friends than I’ve enjoyed in my entire life. For every prayer I sent to the heavens on my loneliest days, he has granted me love and fellowship. True friends that are “Ride or Die’s”. I’ll speak more on that subject tomorrow.
Today, whatever you decide to do, you might start shopping for your Thanksgiving dinner. Yesterday, there were only two fresh turkeys in our meat counter. Tuesday, the deli at which we enjoyed lunch had no turkey for sandwiches. This turkey shortage might really be true.
Remember, if you don’t do anything else today, please Google the “Doggie Conga”. What the heck, throw your own Conga party. Life is short.
More tomorrow.