November 8th! Election Day!
Please! Let the commercials stop! I have heard this time and time again. Something needs to be done to stop the insanity. Although we don’t know them and will probably never meet them, they sneak like thieves through our cable boxes and pollute our lives. Along with the Pharmaceutical commercials for drugs that I certainly don’t need and most definitely would never take, they have worn out their welcome.
In the 1900’s, when people ran for office, they were out meeting people. Shock of all shocks, some would even ring a doorbell to shake a hand. Well, those days are long gone.
The saddest thing of all is that they don’t know the 5 Second Rule (if something can’t be fixed in 5 seconds, don’t mention it). I wouldn’t mind commercials that actually told information about the candidate instead of the consistent mud slinging that is US politics. I cringe when I hear people repeating information straight from the television screen. Sadly, propaganda does work.
How fun it would be to have some musical jingles advertising great cereal or hearty beer.
From the land of sky blue waters (waters),
From the land of pines, lofty balsams,
Comes the beer refreshing,
Hamm’s, the beer refreshing.
My Bologna has a first name,
It’s O-S-C-A-R.
My bologna has a second name,
It’s M-A-Y-E-R.
Oh I love to eat it everyday,
And if you ask me why I’ll say,
Cause’ Oscar Mayer has a way with B-O-L-O-G-N-A!!!!
Come to think of it, maybe forgettable political ads aren’t so bad after all. At least they don’t create earworms (songs stuck in your head).
Even after falling back on Sunday, time is zooming by. Here we are on the day of election returns. This day will have more significance to me than those in the past. You see, I know the mayoral candidate for our town. In fact, the Mysterious Marine has asked me to be his date for the “Watch Party” at the local golf course not far from Out of Town Park.
Not being sure what one wears to a “Watch Party”, I’ll decide that later today. There will be food, drinks, and a large television on which to watch results as they roll in. Come to think of it, I’ve never known the mayor of a town before.
To complicate the day, the first snow of the year is about to fall. When I taught in Virginia City, we made it the entire school year without a snow day. How crazy it was to be at 6200 feet in the winter and listen to all the other schools getting random cozy days in which to sip hot cocoa and stay in jammies all day. It wasn’t to be Virginia City Middle School in the winter of 2015-2016.
The following year, I had many snow days. That was the year of snow-mageddon as VST shoveled foot after foot of the white stuff from our decks and driveway. We had 12′ of standing snow. Who knows how many feet he really shoveled, as it was an ongoing process. We never called the snow guy because VST WAS the guy.
Today, I’ll see what falls. I may or may not need to shovel snow to make it to the party at 5. If there is too much falling, I may need to watch the results from the comfort of Winterpast. Hot cocoa and election results in jammies works for me, too.
Our town does has some pressing issues on which to vote. The most important one is in support of the Fire Department that desperately needs continued funding. Hard to believe that a town of 20,000+ can run on a mostly volunteered fire department. That speaks to the perils and problems of life in a small town.
With that said, my post will be short this morning. So much to do in preparation for the festivities. Tomorrow, we’ll all look to 2024…….and the insanity will begin all over again. Such is life in the USA.
Whatever you do today, find it in your heart to vote. If you’ve already done so, Thank You for making your voice heard. If you haven’t voted, please do. It’s what makes our country great.
More tomorrow.