Be Kind. Be Kind. Be Kind. Repeat for two hours in the freezing cold. That’s what I’ll be doing today.
Our community does such amazing things in the time of need. Right now, winter is knocking at the door. The days are short. The nights are in the 30’s. Gas is over $4.50 a gallon. The shelves in the stores are either empty or stocked with overpriced goods. The holiday season is upon us and there are people that need kindness and help. Small town people take care of their own. That’s just what we do.
When the sign-up sheets were passed around at church asking for help with the food drive, I was one of the first to sign up. Yes. I remember Thanksgiving 2020, when I was a brand new widow facing the holidays. It was “then-strangers-now-friends” that greeted me with their smiles and hugs. I bought everything on their dinner list and brought it out to some very cold but also very happy volunteers.
That memory that took little money and an even smaller amount of time to make stuck with me. In July, on a day when I needed friends the most, it was the memory of that cold November day and the warmth from those community members that steered me to my new church friends. That day, Jesus did take the wheel, taking me to a Bible study that was two minutes from starting. The Lord works in mysterious ways. He sure does.
You bet I’ll be there. Today. In the cold. Smiling in front of the grocery store with free hugs for anyone that needs one.
Being kind doesn’t cost anything. It isn’t something you wrap up with a bow or take hours to plan. You need to practice it once in awhile or else you might sour. Our world is home to people with many problems. Everyone needs kindness on a daily basis.
There’s another word that we could all practice being a bit more.
Definition of cordial
1. showing or marked by warm and often hearty friendliness, favor, or approval. a cordial welcome: politely pleasant and friendly
2. sincerely or deeply felt
3. tending to revive, cheer, or invigorate
Of course, that is the definition when used as an adjective. After dealing with the un-kind among us, we all might need the noun version.
Today, for two hours, I’ll find all the kindness I can give which will warm my heart against the biting cold of Nevada’s high desert. Having lived in this environment for over 8 1/2 years now, I have plenty of extra warm clothes to fight the wind. If it rains, I have a large umbrella. Grumps will walk on by. Bags of needed holiday food will magically appear. The two hours will go by in a flash.
Today, whatever you do, be kind at least once. It costs nothing. It takes no time. Kindness is a mindset. You need to practice it until it becomes second nature. Smile when you don’t feel like it. Say “Hello” to someone that looks like they need a “Hello”. Remember to have a grateful heart. Grateful hearts are the burning ember that keeps us going and doing. So, get out there and fan your own flames.
More tomorrow.