A November 1st Welcome to you!!! Hard to believe that Christmas is in 54 days according to the internet. And we all know the internet is never wrong……
Years ago, I decided that Christmas decorations need to be displayed for longer than a few weeks in December. Red and green are my favorite colors. Not really sure why I don’t just use them for my accent colors. At any rate, November 1st is the day I start decorating. Now that I’m the chief box mover, it takes a bit more time to move Christmas from the barn to the house.
Having a birthday in December, along with having the name “Joy”, the number of my Christmas boxes increase each year. The cutest “Joy” decorations find their way to Winterpast. Coffee cups, wall hangings, and other decorations that are all personalized just for me. Such a lucky gal.
Almost finished with Fall Cleaning, it’s on to rearranging and sprucing up. I plant to start with a slow introduction of red and green, not adding true Christmas decorations until the week before Thanksgiving.
My favorite decorations have always come from my Godmother, Auntie TJ. Through the years, she has given me the most beautiful and special things. We’re both Sagittarians, our birthdays falling just days part. Knowing me so well, her gifts are always perfect, while arriving right on time.
Fellow Sagittarian’s, you can probably relate to my feelings about a December birthday. By the time it rolls around each year, I’m not in the mood for a cake with candles. I prefer Christmas goodies only served once a year. For me, a December birthday is the biggest bother of all. One more thing that needs to be squished into a list of celebrations, parties, and gatherings. I’d much rather celebrate the reason for the season. In comparison to that, my birthday in quite insignificant and an unwanted bother.
Off to the barn I go to start the process. Whatever you do today, enjoy the beauty of Autumn. It’s never to early to start planning your Thanksgiving menu. In this the day of unexplainable and unpredictable shortages, early planning may help insure you have everything you will need only 23 days from now. 0y vey.
More tomorrow.