Happy Monday! October 2022 is coming to a close. All of a sudden the daylight is gone by 6, leaving the nights high desert dark and cold. Halloween is upon us. Yesterday, the last of the pumpkins were being snatched up at the grocery store. Winterpast will be without a pumpkin or decorations for another year, as this Trick or Treat-er will be elsewhere on this the spookiest of nights.
There is something that makes Halloween even a little creepier when you live in a rural setting. With no streetlights, Coyotes howl at the moon. Owls swoop out of nowhere while hunting in the dark. The white mustang with the red eyes loves to saunter across the road in the dark of night, looking even more sinister than usual. With no fear of cars, mustangs in the night are lethal roadblocks. Drivers always lose. Yes. Halloween and any high desert town are a perfect match.
As far as I can tell, the kids are making a haul this year. Our town started the “Trunk or Treating” last Friday with a Halloween-Pet-and-Master-Dress-Up-Competition near the local 7-11. Lots of masters and their dogs were lined up as the judges carefully inspected the teams. It’s times like these our little town needs a newspaper (which we don’t have) to cover the fun.
Saturday, Flowers on Main was the place to be after hours. The owner, Miss Sunflower, decided to host a private spider-filled and spooktacular flower arranging event. The first of it’s kind in town, seats were limited and at a premium. With snacks on the side, we each cut the top off a small pumpkin and got to work scooping out the seeds and goop.
When the pumpkins were empty, we put a small cup of water and oasis in the center and started arranging. First we inserted leathery fern until the hole was totally covered, appearing that a live plant was growing inside.
Selecting flowers from the buckets in the walk-in cooler, Miss Sunflower made a working bucket from which to choose our stems. There is nothing more fun than going into the cooler of a flower shop. There were mums, roses, irises, and lilies. Baby’s breath. Purple filler. Gerber daisies looked like they were the product of a crazy science experiment. After the initial decision that we wanted one of everything, Miss Sunflower guided us towards some good combinations and we were off to the arranging table.
Friendships are deepened over wine or coffee, but they are solidified over oo-ey goo-ey pumpkin guts and flowers. Stripping, snipping, and snapping, our arrangements came to life in the most beautiful way. With one anchor flower and a little of this and that, after one hour, we had arrangements to take home! Miss Sunflower finished them off with a sparkly spider and webs magically made from hot glue.
Of course, there are Sip and Paint classes in which people follow the teacher and make a painting. There are other types of get togethers. Floral arranging was the most fun thing I’ve done in awhile. Miss Sunflower was so sweet to open her shop to us on a perfect fall afternoon.
Tonight, Mysterious Marine and I are going to share Philly Cheesesteak sandwiches and fries while watching the third game of the World Series and answering the door to Trick or Treaters. This is an activity that is always more fun when with a friend. Oliver and his girlfriend will use lots of energy barking and carrying on as the door bell rings and pint sized ghouls and goblins come for their treats. There’ll be fun for everyone on this Halloween night.
Whatever you do, try something new. Buy some oasis and bunch of flowers at the local Walmart and try your hand at floral design. Remember this. There are no mistakes. Only happy accidents.
More tomorrow.