Somewhere out there in this big old world of ours sits a little wooden cabin by the lake. It’s not the biggest cabin you’ve ever seen. Not the prettiest and certainly not decorated in Coastal Grandmother Chic. Nope. Just a little fishing cabin that can get pretty darn cold this time of year. The back door sticks in the winter and lets in the mosquitos in the summer. The roof leaks, but only a little when it rains. It belonged to an old couple that lived out their golden years together. It now sits empty, just waiting to be found by a new couple excitedly awaiting their turn. It seems it’s a little lonely as it waits for them.
Cabins are funny like that. They hold dreams and heal wounds. Just the thought of sitting outside by that little rock fire pit warms the hearts of many. Cabin people dream big dreams and live life to the fullest. The best day fishing on a lake beats all others. Writing to the sounds of the wind traveling through the leaves conjures up all sorts of stories in the creative mind.
This particular cabin sits on the shore of a lake teaming with whatever kind of fish you’d like to fry up for dinner. Walleye, trout, striped bass, or catfish. At different places and times of day, you might even find a sailfish or two, or so I’ve been told. It’s a magical place where bears are always across the lake for proper viewing. Coyotes howl in the distance and never menace the neighbors. Ants, termites, and other bothersome sorts never interfere with day to day life.
The waters of the lake are perfect for an afternoon swim. With temperatures never exceeding 80, an afternoon dip provides a refreshing break summer’s heat. In the winter, the fish can be found just below the ice. With a cup of hot cocoa and a winter parka, a fisherman can have a stringer full in no time.
The cabin is fully stocked with everything a person would need. Endless supplies of flour and oil in which to bread a trout or bake a biscuit. Jars of homemade jam and fresh honey from the meadow. Plenty of cut and stacked wood for the little fireplace that burns on its own from 8 – 8. A thick down comforter on the softest bed, providing the perfect nest for anyone needing a good night’s sleep.
Far from cell service and news of the crazy world, this little place clears the mind of clutter that has no place in a sane person’s thoughts. Wild summer berries are just up the lane, but one shouldn’t take them all. Good neighbors share.
On a day dressed in rainbows, the new owners will blow in on the four winds. Of course, the locals know the exact location Wild Bee Meadow, but they won’t be quick to give directions. It’s kind of nice to have an empty cabin next door. Barking dogs and laughter, although nice, do spoil the quiet. The fish don’t like it much, either. Besides, the ghosts of the past residents want to take the boat out just once more. No, this new couple will need to take a few wrong turns to find the little gem on the lake.
Cabins are the perfect spot for a writer who is looking for the next great adventure in life. Having owned a little cabin in the woods once upon a time, I would warn the new owners that cabins in the mind are the very best of all. No pine needles to rake. No roof to repair. No falling trees or wild fires to fear. Just the peace and quiet of the mind and all the fish you can eat delivered right to the pages of your first novel. Any kind of fish you would like, even sailfish, or so I’ve been told.
This little cabin is out there. Somewhere in this big old world it’s waiting for those that are persistent enough to find it. They need to take their time, finding the bend in the road that veers to the right at the red barn and left at the grey one. Watching out for potholes, (the roads aren’t in the best repair), there are miles to travel, with the rainbow’s end changing the location every few miles. When they find it, they’ll know, as sure as the sun sets to the west on the little lake in the woods near Wild Bee Meadow.