As I’ve gardened over the decades, I’ve come to believe that flowers are God’s way of laughing. Truly. It would take a very hard heart not to appreciate the beauty and diversity of flowers. Coming in every imaginable color, they are powerful. We order them at times of extreme happiness and celebrations and need them in times of great sadness. Their energy is real and able to mend a broken heart.
Miss Sunflower is a treasured friend of mine. Shy and reserved inside, she hides behind a powerhouse attitude of “I believe I can do this, so I will.” And, she does. She has been through many trials and tribulations in her 50 years. She reminds me of myself at 50. Overwhelmed while she forges ahead, she’s determined to handle whatever needs handling. Being a master florist, she just bought the flower shop on Main Street.
Of all the women in Bible Study, I’ve probably spent the most time with her. Miss Sunflower radiates the goodness of the earth. Surely floral spirits are lodged in her blonde locks as she transform a bucket of flowers into an arrangement of beauty. Don’t get in her way as she handles business in the shop. She might run you over with a bucket of soft, grey roses, intended for those customers in the Halloween spirit.
Yesterday, her business partner was out of the shop. I learned a one person flower shop is tough to handle. A person needs to take orders and also make deliveries. People come in at random times during the day to make varied requests. Homecoming wristlets. A hospital pick-me-up. Red, long stemmed roses that scream about new love. Red, white, and blue cemetery arrangements to watch over the grave of a newly fallen soldier. In a single day, the emotions that come and go are as varied as the people walking through the door.
Miss Sunflower had asked if I’d be able to come and hang out with her in the absence of her partner. She didn’t need to ask twice. As I wrote yesterday, my love of plants and flowers is intense. To spend a day peeking into the back side of a floral shop would be fascinating.
Yes. I’d be there.
Sitting on Main Street, Miss Sunflower’s new shop has a front row seat to everything our little town has to offer. Big semi-trucks roll by as they snake their way towards Las Vegas, only seven hours to the south. I noticed that many honked as they drove by. Miss Sunflower filled me in on the back story. It seems the owner of Tee Pee Bar and Grill has a deal with the truckers. If they gave a honk, they’ll get a discount on their meal. All afternoon, hungry truckers tooted their horns at the restaurant just a little down the street. Another little bit of folk-lore of which I wasn’t aware until yesterday.
Yvonne’s hot pink hot dog stand is now a thing of the past. It’s changed into All American Home Town Burgers. The little stand is now painted lavender and boasts the best Philly Cheese Steak Sandwiches in Northwestern Nevada. I’ll need to give this place a try.
My first assignment, which I eagerly accepted, was to deliver two beautiful arrangements. One a birthday gift and one a gift of new and intense love. Two very different arrangements sat in the Barbie-mobile on their way to two unsuspecting women. What a fun assignment to share such happiness with strangers!
The first arrangement was accepted by a young man. Not sure if he was a husband or son, he opened the front door to reveal a room full of balloons. The lady of the hour was out lunching with her mom. I hope she enjoyed such a wonderful surprise on her special day. When the young man looked at the card, his face softened into a knowing smile. A lovely moment in every way.
The second delivery fell on an unanswered door. The roses professing deep and abiding love would need to journey back to the shop for another delivery at another time. The lady of the house wasn’t there.
During the afternoon, Miss Sunflower refilled her display floral display case with beauty. When I arrived, she had three arrangements in the case. When I left, her cases were full. I learned about pricing and arranging. She even let me arrange two bud vases, which I must admit, turned out pretty nice.
Before I knew it, her daughter arrived to help and I went on my way. I really didn’t want to wash my hair last night, knowing flower fairies are perched up there. I’m quite sure some hitched a ride home with me after such an enchanting day.
Miss Sunflower would have it no other way than to give me a rose filled bud vase and a box of chocolates for helping out. Not a bad exchange for a day I really needed.
The Mysterious Marine has asked me twice about my favorite flowers. I had to give this question careful consideration. In the garden, roses and peonies are unbeatable. In the wild, California sunflowers and high Sierra wildflowers of any variety always make me smile. The smell of a gardenia or the shape of hydrangea blossoms make me think of my grandmother. Coastal flowers make me want to move there just to grown them. The simplicity of a daisy or the intricacy of a Bird of Paradise. The simple elegance of a crisp, white daisy. There are so many to choose, I can’t say that one flower is favored over the other.
The only flowers I really don’t like are lilies of any kind. I hope that some day when I’m pushing up daisies the kids remember that. No lilies of any kind. Rather an arrogant flower, in my humble opinion.
My day was topped off by sharing a PoPo appetizer at Golden Chef with the Mysterious Marine. Today, we’ll begin the long process of family introductions. It’s time each family gets to know the person who has been taking up our free time. By the end of the day, strangers will become acquaintances. What a wonderful way to begin the weekend!
I’ll be back Monday with much more to tell. Until then, buy yourself some flowers. They just may heal what ails you.