Like so many children of the 70’s, I fell in love with houseplants. Angel Wing Begonias. Spider plants. Pathos. Mother-In-Law’s Tongue. Grape Ivy. Elephant Ears. I loved them all and had plants every where I lived. At that time, plants were an inexpensive way to decorate, bringing beauty and life to any home.
Through my life, I would have a reoccurring dream that someday I would own a home covered in plants. That was quite an odd dream because, at that time, VST and I were living a healthy and happy life together. There were no thoughts of bugging out and finding a little hippy shack somewhere. Certainly no thoughts of becoming a widow at 64.
During those years, we were gone so much of the time, there wasn’t time to nurture an indoor garden. VST never coached our kids in the variety of sports he enjoyed throughout school. He loved all sports, having been a starting player on an award winning football team throughout his high school years. The legend lives on in the memories of his team mates.
While our five children grew, VST was one busy guy. Professionally he worked full time. When I met him, he had 3 college credits. Throughout our lives together, he earned his Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, and Doctoral Degree, all while raising our kids to the adults that brought our grandchildren into the world. He also built everything from a waterfall to an outdoor smoking room and a garage for his parents, supporting them in their elder years.
During those years, I was racing as fast as I could with my own professional endeavors. I, too, became the evening famer specializing in irrigation of 16,000 100-year-old-vines. When we weren’t growing them, we were shaking the dust from hundreds of tons of dancing raisins There just wasn’t time for any indoor plants, as the outdoor ones drained the life from us on a daily basis.
Once we retired and moved to Virginia City, there were three more teaching gigs in store for me. VST continued to build. We also became feral parents, riding the range in the RV. When I look back, it’s lucky that Oliver found a spot with us. Our days flew by until I was left with days alone to dream up new adventures on my own.
Houseplants are now thriving at Winterpast. The dream I had so many times over the years has come to be. A home full of lovely and calming plants. Their pots sit everywhere there is enough light to sustain them.
I sure wish houseplants still cost what they did in 1970. As I’ve started to get back into my hobby, I’ve realized that some varieties are no longer sold as house plants. Coleus were the most beautiful plants, coming in a variety of colors and textures. They are now sold at my hardware store as an outdoor plant. Not sure how the delicate leaves would do in my backyard, as the desert winds would surely kill them in a few days.
One little coincidence that has been noted with a smile is that Mr. Mysterious Marine happens to share the same love of houseplants. His Angel Wings stretch towards his ceiling, while plants frame and fill every window. Such life they bring to his home. I must say, one doesn’t often meet a person with such important similarities and sensitivities. It isn’t lost on this Gardener who Grieves.
Last night, I showed him my favorite place to shop. In the back of the hardware store, near the garden exit is a wonderful little secret. It’s the “On Sale Because We are Almost Dead” plant section. On shelves sit fantastic bargains of the 50% off kind. There, (if you are optimistic, handy with Miracle Grow, and able to look past a few dead leaves), are wonderful plants that just can’t sit on the perfect shelves anymore. Between the selections of the two of us, there aren’t many good ones left on that lonely shelf.
After a wonderful shopping adventure of the best kind, the Mysterious Marine cooked a gourmet meal of specially seasoned chicken and very purple homegrown potatoes and onions. Complemented with homegrown tomatoes in a salad, the gourmet meal couldn’t have been purchased anywhere because the man who cooked it also grew the potatoes, onions, and tomatoes.
Thinking about gardening plans for the 2023 season, this Mysterious Marine and I have many notes to compare. I see many new fruit trees and flowers in my future, along with more houseplants.
Retirement has returned. With a new appreciation for hobbies from long ago, I am blessed to have found a friend with whom to enjoy them.
More tomorrow.