There is nothing better than a Small Town Candidates Night on which to base political decisions. So much is said through body language and voice. Random questions reveal a candidates true colors. That’s something one never sees on the hundreds of staged political commercials polluting the airwaves at this time of year.
I don’t know what is worse. Wasting life by the 1/2 minutes while watching people tell political lies through perfect teeth and tightened skin, or being convinced to take drugs that might cure your condition, but could also kill you while doing so. Think how good you’ll feel on the way out!
Oy Vey.
OFF. On many days, the best television setting is OFF.
The Mysterious Marine invited me to join him in support of his brother who happens to be running for THE Mayor of our little town. Having the entire day to think about meeting a portion of his very large family, I decided to get dolled up for the occasion. Black on black with a wool blazer. Hair blown and curled just enough. Eye shadow, lipstick, a faint hint of perfume. It was nice to prepare for an evening out to support a mayoral candidate I actually know and like.
I’d protested against attending the meeting just a little bit. I used to be a voting member of the political group hosting the event. Many of the members are not the most genuine people. If they were, I’d still be a card carrying member, right? But, for the Mysterious Marine, there aren’t many things I wouldn’t do to support him and his family. Going with him was an easy “YES”.
There were many, many nephews, nieces, and even a Great-niece to meet. His brother and his wife have been married almost 50 years and have 25 Grandchildren and 3 Great-grandchildren. They have lived in the town I now call home for 62 years. MM’s nephew was also on the panel, running for a position on the School Board. It was fun sitting with the movers and shakers of our town.
At the table, I met two VIP’s about which I want to know more. MM introduced me to his high school track coach and his wife. Now, not to give out too much information, MM is 68. This fit, funny, and great man sitting at the table was his track coach. You do the math. His lovely wife was there with him. Both were energetic and alive, coming out into the desert night to support our candidate. This man had coached MM to award winning records that have stood for decades. The two are still great friends. What a feel good story!
Through the night, youngers came over to say Hello to this rock star couple. Just two elders enjoying a date night while listening to candidates talk about their positions on important issues. What careers these two people had! How nice that I had a chance to meet them. I’m so proud to live in a town small enough that our vote will make a difference in the quality of our lives. Even more so that the locals know the importance of a single vote.
The two sheriff candidates sat across the room from each other like buffalo bulls. Not signaling that anything was amiss, but ready for a sparring match if the need arose. I noticed residual tension from their long day at work. I can’t imagine the days our police officers experience. I pray for them often. These two men stomp out crimes in an area covering over 24,000 square miles. A lot of territory to keep safe.
With a new sheriff and a new Mayor, our town will be ready for 2022 and beyond. It’s time. We have water, school, and policing issues. Our roads are in dismal shape and getting worse with each passing season. The “Good Ole Boy” system that worked so well for so long isn’t working anymore. The housing bubble has again burst. With gas at almost $6 a gallon, the 30 minute commute makes our town just a little too far away. Skyrocketing rent has priced us out competition with bigger cities. All these situations spell tough times for a little town and the residents. Last night, there wasn’t an empty seat in the house.
Mr. Mayoral Candidate looked dapper in his suit and tie. He’d prepared for the evening of questions and had meaty answers. At one point, the current mayor (hopeful Past Mayor) threw out a big lie. After careful consideration, Mr. Mayoral Candidate didn’t pick up the rope. Tug of war is a nasty game in which someone gets muddy. It was refreshing to see a candidate that preferred to take the high road. Mr. Past Mayor (hopefully) had sent a letter to the entire community that held a big lie, (quite provable), about Mr. Mayoral Candidate. It was wonderful to see Mr. Mayoral Candidate take the high road. Way to GO!!
Many old women were there, older but not wiser. I was glad MM’s family was so big and welcoming. A little baby with the sweetest curl was the icing on the cake. I can’t wait to know everyone better. Blending into a gigantic sea of supporters, it was easy to focus on the debate. A night I will not soon forget and issues that will steer me to vote my conscience at the polls.
Today, Oliver is coming home from October puppy camp. I must say the house is very quiet without him. These days, we are a working team. Although he doesn’t understand why I’m again home and tending to Winterpast, he loves it and is at my side at all times. After almost four years, when I make a request, he complies. Sit? He sits. Down? He’s down. Bed? Off he goes. When alone, we’re a team. Add his new girlfriend to the mix, it’s twice the crazy all over again. There’s always more a dog can learn, right?
Have a wonderful day today. Take time to look at the political candidates before you vote. Make sure you are voting for a person and not just a party. If you get the chance to meet candidates, I highly recommend it. You might find some new friends in the process.
More tomorrow.