The days are flying by now. In two weeks, I’ll be talking to parents during conferences about the children we both know and love. This will be followed by Nevada Day and Halloween as we race towards the Veteran’s Day and the Thanksgiving holiday. Insane how fast time is rolling on.
I’m settling in to life as Mrs. Hurt, although not without some bumps along the way. This is truly a young person’s game. I knew that going in. Now it slaps me in the face every time there is another computerized requirement. I suppose this is great training for life ahead as the professional writer, but, the training is brutal. I’ll never, ever be fluent in computer issues. That’s just a fact. Like trying to run a race with one leg. I know how my struggling children feel. I’m struggling, too.
I need to remember that when frustration arises as I teach reading to littles. Their minds are not geared the same as mine. They want videos, games, and instant gratification. Quite frankly, to them, learning to read is as boring as watching paint dry.
Yesterday, I turned the bunch loose with Dry-Erase Markers on my white board. It is enough to stop one’s heart watching littles equipped with 10 wide tipped black markers. They were to write as many words as they could think of in 8 minutes. It was amazing to watch 16 littles do their best to share, cooperate with a partner, and write words. They are truly adorable littles and I am so glad their mine for the year.
During sharing, a little boy had something interesting to tell.
“I will tell you all. I love girls. Old ones. Young ones. Girls are beautiful.” End of sharing. Profound and from the heart. I smile a lot when I’m with my little friends.
Homecoming alert!!! The Vaqueros are coming! The Vaqueros are coming!
Today will be a day to play, laugh, and rest. Our high school mascot is the Vaquero. Why? Not sure. The name doesn’t fit the culture here. I need to ask the Mysterious Marine who knows everything about our town, being a native and all. For goodness sakes, he holds high school track records in track!
The high school band, cheer leaders, and players are coming to the 1st-2nd Playground today for an assembly of the most fun time. Rowdy kids will be allowed to yell as loud as they can to cheer on our football team!! Cheerleaders cheering!! A band playing!! A celebration will be had by all.
Then, around 1, we will all line the hallways to watch the first batch of Golden Eagles soar through the school. Each class has one. The first of the year are the cream of the crop. Such an honor to be chosen by your teacher to be student of the month. I plan to do a lot of cheering today as the fun unfolds. It’s about time we celebrate, because the stress level has been through the roof.
That being said, I need a weekend to regroup, regenerate, and enjoy some private time. The weekends fly by as fast as everything else. I want to enjoy every single minute and be back, fresh and frisky on Monday.
Whatever you do this weekend, make it grand. Even if it involves domestic chores. Just kick up the music and dance. Life is precious. Don’t waste it.
More on Monday.