Wow. Just wow. Wow. Wow. Wow.
This weekend was one of the best I have experienced in many years. Full of new friends, football, and an adorably cute and smiling Curly Doodle, it was one to remember in detail. Weekends of the working folk are supposed to be just that. Fun and friendly.
It started on Friday at 5 with a homecooked Filet Mignon dinner. The steak was tender and cooked to perfection. The dinner was followed by a homemade apple pie that didn’t disappoint, all enjoyed with the best conversation about this and that. Conversations are filling in the details of lives well lived, while we’ve quietly take note of similarities and weigh emotional risks. The best conversations occur when two people are clued into the topic, each adding their own details.
It’s unusual to meet someone with so many core values in common. Such is the case with the Mysterious Marine that has marched right away from formation to greet me in real life.
The weekend continued with a Saturday of Must-Do’s and Want-To’s. At 2 PM, I met the best kind of gal-pals to spill the tea. Dining in an adorable little café in the town just to the east of here, it was if a day hasn’t passed since I started to work on August 1st. The specialty of the house is TEA, and I enjoyed of pot of mint with a slice of quiche and a serving of fresh fruit. These gals with their values built on a strong foundation provided a great sounding board. They can tell something pretty great is going on in my life. Something different. Something changed and rearranged. We were the last patrons of the day, making the staff stay 30 minutes past close while we oooo-ed and ahhhh-ed about our shared secrets.
Sunday was a day of worship in which Mysterious Marine joined me. Introductions were passed around and lots of smiles were shared. Praise and glory to the one that made this all possible.
The most important part of the day remained. Yesterday, I met an amazing woman and mother. Our town has an unusually beautiful retirement home for our elders. T and K have often laughed about that being my last residence if I don’t straighten up and fly right. All in good fun, of course. Well, yesterday, I went there on a mission to meet one important resident finding the place gorgeous and beautiful. It wouldn’t be half-bad to end up in such a pretty place.
Once the formal introductions were over , we found we share a few important hobbies. For one, we both think this Marine is pretty outstanding, she seeing things from Mom’s side, while I see things from an admirer’s side. Our visit was way too short, as she was getting ready to start her first crochet project in a long time. I wanted to whip out my hook and yarn and chat awhile longer. Busy hands are a wonderful back drop when getting to know someone new and important. I can’t wait to watch our favorite girly programs while we count off stitches and share stories. Our first meeting was a hit.
I’ve left the best part for last. Over a home-cooked steak and lobster dinner at a kitchen other than mine by someone other than me (and yes, HOME-COOKED LOBSTER), we all shared smiles while football played in the background. Just the three of us. Mr. Marine, Me, and THE DOG. She couldn’t wipe the cutest smile off her furry little face while wiggling with delight. Although not the dog in the picture above, she’s pretty close. There ‘s something to be said about the attitude of dogs. Either you are in, or you’re not. I’m taking the smiles as an adorable “What took you so long?” because that’s just how this last weekend unfolded. Two widowed people living in a dusty little town at a wide spot on a desert road happened to say “Hello” with a smile. It doesn’t get simpler than that.
Local gal-pals. Small town church. And now, a special friend that I want to know much better. My roots are deep into the desert soil now. This is home. This is happiness. This is the rest of my life’s story opening to the Chapter 1, Page 1.
Once upon a time, there was a very brave woman who’d found herself alone in a strange land. With nothing else to do but forge ahead, she took her first step into a terrifying wilderness. Not to worry, her story will have a happy ending. It’s hers to write.
More tomorrow.