Finishing Week 5 of this school year, I can see potential for greatness in my students. They have settled. At least 18 out of 20 have found that listening quietly will sit well with me. They are beginning to write while take pride in their work. We have actual writing hanging in the hallway outside our room, and it’s now beginning to feel like home. Spending indoor recess time with them, I’m learning more about each child as I decide how best to help them.
Today is a day for completing a little of this and a little of that. Six kids still need to test in Language Arts. Five need to complete Math. Everyone needs to pay attention until 1:15 today when we all get to enjoy early release. It’s FRIDAY!!
Where do they spend their time on the weekends? Some play soccer. Some have ballet or tap. Some do karate. And some just play at home with their families. We all need some down time. They are no different.
Tonight, I’m hosting a quiet dinner while Oliver is entertaining his new long legged girlfriend. With the week’s laundry folded, and the clutter cleaned, I’m ready to enjoy an evening of good conversation and laughter. I LOVE Friday’s these days. The weekend is ripe with possibilities of rain and cool weather. Hoodies, jeans, and sneakers are my wardrobe choice for the weekend.
Oliver is showing signs of aging these days. Earlier in the week, he was sleeping on the bed as he loves to do while I’m getting ready for work. I needed to mail and letter and he heard the ring doorbell go off. Jumping off the bed, (which is not good when your legs are six inches long), he strained his shoulder.
Fiesty little Oliver sleeping on the bed,
Jumped right off when he lost his head.
Holding up a leg with a very sad face,
One little Oliver can’t jump all over the place.
He was holding up his little leg and just looking at me. He knew. There was an understanding in his eyes that this craziness must stop. I sat and rubbed his leg for awhile as it slowly returned to normal. Okay for now, but the next time he might not be so lucky.
Oy Vey.
Such a busy puppy. What would I ever do without him? The bed is now more closely monitored. Nothing can happen to this little guy that is the best friend in the world. Not under my watch.
Tomorrow, Ollie and I will head off across the blue-sky desert to his favorite social outing. He’s pretty excited, as puppy camp was canceled last time due to kennel cough. It’s been awhile since he visited with Angus and the gang. Sometimes, Ollie needs his friends as much as I need mine.
Tomorrow, I’m lunching with girlfriends from the church. I miss my Thursday morning Bible study gals so much. These women are an amazing group, making me smile with texts and warm wishes. I can’t wait to see them tomorrow and exchange news.
I also have plans with a certain Marine this weekend. A variety of outings and meals that should prove to be great fun. Sunday, he’s joining me for church. It’s about time he meets all my gal pals. God shines in both our lives.
Please, if you have a spare prayer, The Coastal Goddess of Cambria needs one. You are in mine, Goddess Girl. You stay Pacific Strong on your journey to Los Angeles. You need to be back on the road as soon as possible.
With that, I am off for the weekend, return Monday. Two days of brain laziness will do me good.
Whatever you do this weekend, enjoy time with friends. They sprinkle happiness into our lives. Take care of them, whether their 6 or 60.
More Monday.