The dreaded Week 6 waits just around the bend. Throughout my teaching career, I’ve observed that the worst happens during Week 6. Everyone has usually had enough and finally has the courage to say something about it. I’d hoped that the Zephyr winds would blow away past experiences, leaving me to truly enjoy my last year of teaching with littles. Week 6 is just part of my teaching experience. It will come and go.
Yesterday, my room was in the 90’s with only two small household fans to blow a little air. You. Cannot. Imagine. By the end of the day, 6 kids were missing for one reason or another. I wish I had a mom that would take me out of the heat. The only escape is the Office. Sad, but true. The only place in the main building with air. Go figure. Even 15 minutes of AC would help to lower my core temperature. But, that isn’t to be.
Along with the heat, we are coming up on a huge test. Computerized, it is a big one. Hours for littles to sit and think, typing their answers into a glowing screen. 6 year olds. Something isn’t right with this. A few of my kids still don’t know their letters. Such is school in the 2,000’s.
I’ll be gone until next Monday to regroup. A certain gentleman suitor is taking up some of my free time these days. Papers need correcting. My Friday Newsletter needs writing. Oliver needs his ears scratched. And, quite frankly, I need a moment to regroup.
Of course, everything will settle. Week 7 is always a glorious affair. This year will be no different. It’s the Dance of the School Year.
If you have a spare prayer, please send it my way. Cover the teachers and children in my school with good wishes. Please pray that everyone lives through this heat.
More on Monday.