A Letter from a grateful heart.
Dear God,
Thank you for the amazing miracles and blessings you have given me this summer. Scales have fallen away from my eyes, allowing me to see my world as it really is. You have blessed me with countless friends this summer, and now, I have a solid and beautiful foundation on which to place the bricks of my life, one by one. I belong in this desert town, as sure as the desert heat, Zephyr winds, and the mustangs you send to greet me in my yard.
My summer of miracles started with something as simple as renewing my Driver’s License. Such a silly task. Shouldn’t have been a game changer, but it was. I learned I could still focus and retain facts not becoming bogged down on the “What If’s” because 95% of them never happen anyway. I was so scared I wouldn’t pass a test, written or otherwise, that I was ready to be an Uber customer forever. How silly was that? Of course, my license arrived in the mail four days later, renewed for more years than I care to drive.
You brought me my new set of girlfriends, all giggly and wonderful. An assortment of women that share similar traits and goals. We fear the same things and yearn for the same knowledge. The same, yet uniquely different, together we shine like jewels on a crown. These days, wherever I go in this dusty little wide spot in the road, I find them. They text often to check on me. I go to lunch and get plenty of hugs. Your blessings have overflowed and grown me a garden of girlfriends.
I’m getting good at realizing when a miracle really truly occurs. Like finding the energy and organizational skills to run herd on 20 littles at 66 years old. You’ve given me the sweetest kids in town. Even the difficult personalities are beyond adorable with their clear little eyes and amazing hearts. You wanted me to experience the classroom one last magical time, and now, here I sit in a sea of papers. So tired every night, I drop in my tracks at 7:30 to do it all again the next day. Although physically tired, my brain has needed this assignment. Of course, you knew that. These kids will be my 1st Graders long after they have 1st Graders of their own. It just works that way.
You healed my God Mother when she was so darn sick she almost died, not once but on many occasions this summer. You saved her so I can go to her side one more time allowing us to share more secrets and laughs. You gave her the strength to phone me yesterday, making my summer of miracles almost complete. You knew I still need her wisdom and caring. I still need to visit the ocean I love so much to hug the best Auntie in the world.
Now, you’ve introduced a new character into the mix. Someone I have yet to name in this blog made of two years of healing words that have mended my broken world. This person’s life is built on the same solid foundation as mine. Both healing from losses that shook our worlds. Both kind, compassionate, and funny. Both recycled teenagers ready to tear up the town. Appearing out of thin air, perhaps the final miracle in my summer of miracles.
You sent someone that mirrors much of my life. Blending our families from a very early time while both enjoying long term marriages to high school sweethearts. One from a family of five boys. One from a family of five girls. Both from exceptional country families that know how to fix things and make them new again. Both dog lovers, although both severely bitten in the face as children, with almost identical memories of the medical treatment we needed.
God, my life looks a brighter now. New door are opening to experiences for which I have been praying.
My summer of faith, acceptance, boundaries, and patience is about to hand over the reins to my favorite season, autumn. This time around, the season will be brighter. Of this, I have no doubt. Never did I imagine a life could transform as much as mine has during this, my Baptismal year. And I’m only in month 9!
God, you’ve given me more than my share of miracles this summer. I’m blessed beyond measure. If I never received another until you call me home, I would’ve received far more than I ever deserved, the last the one being the one I’ve prayed about the most.
God, in Jesus name, watch over me and the kids today. Our school needs hallways of angels flapping their wings because it’s so very hot. Please let me find a smile for every child in my room, even when they are so 6-ish. Let me find patience for my co-workers and be the good in my world. Take bitterness and hardness out of my heart and let me turn on my light for everyone to see. A smile costs nothing. A hug, the same price.
Thank you, Lord, for this amazing life. Can’t wait to see what’s next!
Forever yours,