Hard to believe it’s Wednesday and August 31st. Good riddance to my least favorite month other than January. August is hell in the desert. At least in January, I can add layers of clothes. Heck in January, there’s always the chance of a random snow day.
Big plans are brewing for our Nevada Day Celebration as well as Veteran’s Day. I need to volunteer for some committees, but right now, I’m dancing as fast as I can just staying graded and prepared for the next day.
Nevada Day was officially celebrated on October 31st for years until the date was changed to the last Friday of October. Not every state has their own day, but we do. It’s a big celebration with parades and parties. Our school will be celebrating Halloween AND Nevada Day on the same day. That’ll be a no brainer for my littles. It’s Halloween. To heck with anything else.
In my neighborhood, there isn’t much action on Halloween. I guess that’s because I leave my lights off and hunker down in my bedroom. It isn’t much fun to wait for kids that don’t come because of the secluded nature of the neighborhood. Night in the desert is extremely dark. Our neighborhood is short on street lights. Thank goodness.
School has been hopping and it’s something to behold. Children treating property and adults badly. Never have I ever. So far, all onboard my ship are doing fine. There’s no time for disrespect, as I’m keeping them fully occupied while EARNING their respect. They are earning my respect, as well. But, other situations have arisen outside our classroom that are disheartening. And yes, some of mine were guilty.
People, even the little ones, are full of rage these days. Tied up inside and ready to explode. Littles lash out. Cry. Scream. They show signs of anxiety and fear. The world we live in is taking a toll. For that sadness, my heart hurts. They are littles and should be able to enjoy being just that. Little.
For this year, I’m in charge of teaching my littles to imagine. Today, we are going to take the afternoon and write an imaginary story about taking a trip to Disneyland. Half of my students have not been. Today, I’m going to front load them with images of Disneyland and maybe a couple videos. Then, we are going to write our story together. They will illustrate. Each student will add a part. It should turn out really cute. One for the wall on large colorful chart paper.
It’s time to change up my bulletin board outside my door to a fall theme. So many to choose from, Amazon will help me out. I just want this year to be full. Full of everything I’ve loved over the years. Mostly, full of children that learn so much it fills them up and spills out their ears. I hope I can get them to LOVE school. So far, they’re learning they can’t just race around like feral kittens. This is taking a toll on our learning minutes, but if not now, when?
Yesterday, after an extremely tough time with one little, we were together at the bus. There are some children’s names that wake a teacher up with a start during the night. After saying said name 56 times in a two hour period, a teacher gets a bit affected. Anyway, she looked up at me with the clearest and sweetest eyes.
“Mws. Huwt,” (her R’s are not strong yet), “I’m will-ly sohr-we about today. I’ll do bettew to-moh-wo.”
Now, that’s a total win.
Working on towards Week 6, which is my witching-week, I see activities occurring that must be squelched. A frisbee and the girl’s bathroom are a terrible combination on a hot day resulting in a lot of cleanup for the students involved. Actually, the same frisbee was also used as a weapon during afternoon recess resulting in an investigation by the Vice Principal. Frisbee is now history. Maybe in the spring.
The new shoes are a little dustier. The back backs are starting to lose their zippers. Mandatory bus pass zipper tags are being removed by parents, causing tears and frustration at the bus line. Kids are starting to go on fall vacations, causing extra work for teachers with the need for vacation packets. School is in full swing.
In a sea of 700 littles, the energy level is incredible. Everything from Kindergarten melt downs to 4th grade shenanigans, our school is a very busy place. I’m just in charge of making sure 20 littles move quietly from one place to another in a straight, quiet, and single line. Try that on for size. A lot can happen at the back of the line if you lead the front. If bringing up the rear, the front has a tendency to wander.
Oy Vey.
Onward and upward. I must run. Time for breakfast and some quiet work time before another day begins.
Whatever you do today, thank a teacher. Think back to your own school days and quietly bless the women and men that helped you through your childhood. I am sure mine are looking down from heaven. I hope they are saying, “Well look at that one. She’s doing alright.”
More tomorrow.