How did the internet capture my classroom so perfectly? The only difference is that the other ten would be talking, writing on the desk, hiding under them, poking Sally, making faces at Ben, asking for drinks or bathroom breaks, and otherwise not attending to the task of learning.
Oy Vey.
What was I thinking??????????
That’s the very point.
I WAS thinking.
This is the most fun EVER!!!!!!
My kiddos make up a deliciously adorable little group of people, truly the best I could’ve ever hoped to meet. I also have one adult in my classroom. I will name her the Goddess of All Things Right and Pure. She is not an Aide. She is my right hand adult in a sea of littles. Together we see all, hear all, and correct all. I am so blessed to have another grown up in the room. Without her, I would be at a definite disadvantage.
Miss Goddess has been at this awhile. She is a beautiful and quiet woman who is assigned to one particular child, while helping three others, as well. She is cheerful and competent. She has wonderful suggestions about improvements that are helpful. I trust her opinions about the things that are going on in Room 56. We laugh at the same antics and I love her already. I am blessed that she is there.
I plan to round up the moms very soon. Any mom that identified herself as a possible helper in the classroom will be commissioned. These children will learn in a quiet and focused environment if it is the death of me.
I will say that their attention is improving every single day. I’m getting more eyeballs on the teacher. Their writing is improving, even though they don’t know exactly what they are doing. Today, we need a lesson on how to hold a pencil, which most do not know. I still need to corral my left handers to give them some aide. The list of details is endless.
I’ve started assessing the words they know to find reading levels. Most are below Kindergarten level. A lot of improvement will be made this year. To be a grade level reader is our goal. I’m sure after testing the entire group, I’ll have some readers at 2nd grade level and some at Pre-Kinder. That’s the world of the classroom. One size doesn’t fit all.
Now, I’m in no way saying these kids are naughty children. They just don’t know what a real classroom is like. They are still wondering where the playtime, graham crackers, and milk went. Believe me, I’m wondering about where my daily Noon-Nap went. Retirement is just a fuzzy memory. Adjusting, we’re all finding our way in to the second day of the third week of school. Seems like yesterday that I interviewed? The time has flown and now the school by which I drove for two years is my daytime home.
The AC is “fixed but not working well”, according to a supervisor. No kidding. Nice until lunch followed by a brutal three hours of 90+ degrees. Everyone leaves at 3:30 when the day ends. It’s just too hot. Funny, no administrators come to my room in the afternoon. It would be lovely to see them in professional dresses and suits. I hope they come to watch a lesson at 2 PM. We look forward to their visit, as long as it is in the afternoon.
1st Grade Teachers are thinking about a field trip to the pumpkin patch. It’s still under consideration, as we all have classrooms full of very busy people. 105 littles on buses to a farm doesn’t seem like good thinking on paper. But then, neither does teaching 1st grade at 66.
I do find that I’m not so exhausted at the end of the day. Why, just yesterday I had enough energy to defrost some homemade spaghetti sauce and boil some noodles for dinner. That’s a step in the right direction. Last night, my grading only took an hour. I’m organized for the day. Things can only get better from here.
Yesterday, we worked through another guided drawing lesson. It’s so cute to watch them drawing. The resulting pictures warm my heart. We drew “Pete, the Cat” yesterday. Everyone was serious and trying to get their picture just right. Yes. 6 and 7 year old children are people at their finest in every way. I’m one lucky teacher.
This weekend is one that will be quiet and reflective. I plan to celebrate Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Monday will mark 35 years ago since I ran into VST at our 14/15th combined class reunion. A catered barn dance under the stars. A night that changed my life forever. He was 33, I was 31. Looking back, we were kids with kids. I haven’t planned all the festivities for this weekend, but there will be some laughter and some tears, I’m sure. I may need to call on the gal pals for dinner.
But, days away from the 5th, I need to focus. With Oliver fed and a shower and blog finished, I need to scramble some eggs and get on my way to school. The morning hours are calm and reflective. I can dream of all the things we’ll finish throughout the day. Thinking of the day before, I again move children from one spot to another, finding the one spot that the talking will be the least.
The 2022-23 school year goes on. It will be grand in every way. We’ll make it so.
More tomorrow.