I’ve decided Thursday is the longest day of the week. I think someone snuck 6 extra hours in there somehow. All between the hours of 8:40 and 3:05. I have busy little hombres to control. As the children are becoming more comfortable, they are now showing themselves. Whew! What a bunch!
In our room there is every type of personality known to mankind. The only additional challenges I’m not facing are language barriers. I better not say that too soon, or I’ll get another student. Most of them are still six. I remind myself of that so many times in a day. When dealing with a group of kids like this, I have very high expectations because they are very bright children. Already, I’m seeing improvements. It’s a slow journey to January 9th, 2023, when they will transform into Almost-2nd-Graders.
In a typical day, one must be ready for fire alarms, unplanned messages over the intercom, visitors coming and going through the room, children running in, children escaping. Trip and falls that result in blood on the knee. Bloody noses. Frantic children racing to get to the bathroom. Children needing help with their math questions. All the while, the AC has been “fixed”. My room remains at 94 degrees in the afternoon.
I would suppose working in sweat shop conditions is shrinking my carbon footprint. I’ve noticed that 78 degrees when I arrive home feels absolutely bone chilling. Of course, I’m seeing red while being more environmentally green during the day.
Having a 30 minute, duty free lunch is glorious, except noon aides aren’t available, so we handle that, too. I think I got an 18.5 minute lunch yesterday. People always comment on how fast I eat. After 22 years of teacher lunches, you learn to pack a lot into 18.5 minutes. You listen to co-workers worst case scenarios and silently thank God he gave you the kids he did. You tell your worst and co-workers are saying that same prayer to themselves. God never messes up the class lists. He gives you the students you need.
After that exchange, there is barely time to speed eat, take a potty break, grab your whistle and get the kids. The days race by one after another while the kids learn and grown.
I’m happy to report that I didn’t misplace anyone at the end of the day. At least, I haven’t heard if I did. One student tried. Thank goodness for a tag team of administrators that stepped in and corrected the situation. I’m too old to chase anyone, let alone a little at 3:05 PM.
With every last Mustang (our mascot) rounded up and accounted for, I rolled out of Room 56 with my cart full of homework at 3:40, ten minutes after my duty day ended. Arriving yesterday at 5:30 AM, there is only so much time I should be giving away. It doesn’t come at the end of the day in a room that is 94 degrees and “fixed”. Besides, in my rolling cart at least two hours of homework is waiting.
After picking up pizza and a salad, I made it home to dark, cold, and quiet with a side of a snuggly pup. Oliver is handing our new schedule like a champ. I have a dog now and not a nutty puppy. As long as he has his meals on time, he isn’t too upset about my absence. He’s so happy to see me at the end of the day. His wiggles and antics make my day complete.
I need this weekend to regroup, plan, and carry on with next week. I’ll be back on Monday with a report on the antics at the afterschool meeting I’m attending tonight. What a marvelous idea to meet with adults after work. I’m planning to enjoy every single minute. They already know the darkest, coldest, and quietest place in town and let me in on the secret. It’ll be a new place for me. I feel lucky to have been invited to the inner circle of our school. I can’t wait to enjoy a wonderful evening with great teachers.
I’ll be back Monday.