As promised, my story continues.
Yesterday, putting this entire credential mess out of my head, I turned my attention to more pressing matters. For goodness sakes, I can’t change the slow pace of government and all state agencies are closed on Saturday. When trouble hits, I tend to fixate on specifics. Long ago, I learned a wonderful technique. I’ll only allow myself to worry during the hours the problem can be fixed. Government offices are open 8-5, M-F. Those are my worry hours. Then and only then.
So many things I left by the wayside last week. Laundry. The lawn. Mopping and vacuuming. Washing the car. Grocery shopping. Check off all those things, because this woman was on fire. I love days like that when accomplishments stack up like fire wood.
The neighbor across the street has now moved, and Ninja Neighbor held an estate sale for them yesterday. People were coming and going, which was an odd feeling for our neighborhood. It was crawling with strangers. I went over to see the house, which was lovely in every way. They have a solarium, which is a nice idea, but maybe not facing to the sun in the summer. All in all, I won’t be selling Winterpast to move across the street, even though they had a beautiful soaking tub.
It was there I ran into another widow who’s been healing her broken heart just a few doors away. We started talking and another miracle occurred. She is now experiencing what I experienced this summer. Isolation and loneliness. With the walls closing in, she’s ready to go back to work. She would love a dinner partner once in awhile. Translation — another new girlfriend! All these things happened when I turned my frustration over a silly credential to my very real and blossoming life.
Oliver was in heaven. He moved from this bed to that one, all the while keeping a watchful eye on his Mom-Oh. He’d been scheduled for puppy camp, however, an outbreak of kennel cough canceled that plan. I am so glad he didn’t go. Oliver and I are having the best weekend together.
With happiness growing in every nook and cranny of Winterpast, my focus finally turned back to my credential and I decided to check my emails. It was then I couldn’t believe my eyes.
Utter amazement.
“Your credential issue has been resolved. You are now allowed to reapply for your Nevada Teaching Credential. Go to our website immediately. Blah. Blah. Blah.”
Shrieking with excitement, I first called K. She’s my go-to. Aren’t all daughters your go-to? I so missed out earlier in life. Anyway, K was happy for me. Immediately, my focus turned to business.
On the website, a very long line of checkmarks awaited me. One by one, data was entered and red check marks turned green. Two hours later, my email arrived.
“Your application is complete. Get fingerprinted now!”.
The long awaited email had arrived. Fingerprinting is mandatory for every teacher and necessary to be cleared to teach. On Monday, I will be printed.
Another string of miracles had just occurred.
Just Thursday morning, a voice told me to email my principal and request a release day to settle this problem at the Nevada Department of Education. She wasn’t too keen on the idea but agreed this problem needed immediate resolution. She arranged a substitute.
Monday, I’ll check in with the Mothership to make sure everything is really in order. From there, I need to travel one hour to the Biggest Little City to the West for fingerprinting. And then, I’ll travel back home on the interstate. Just driving that loop will take 2.5 hours. Things aren’t next door around here. Add the wait time, it will take me most of the day to complete these two tasks.
Later in the day, I ran right into one of my gal pals at the grocery store. It’s impossible to go anywhere in town without running into friends these days. I love it! Anyway, SHE is going West on Monday and would like to meet for an early dinner. Well, HECK YES!!!! We’re going to a little place that uses only locally grown products in their foods. I can’t wait to find out more about her new shop, opening October 1st. Mainstreet Flowers!!! What luck to have a friend that has access to beautiful plants and flowers. I can’t wait to learn about everything she is doing to prepare for her new venture over a delicious meal.
Disaster avoided.
I’m settling in with my students for a wonderful year. I love each and every one of them. They already listen and work their hardest. They are good friends with the nicest parents. I have grade level co-teachers that are kind, dedicated, and funnier than any teachers should be. My principal covers us all with her protective wings and best intent.
It just doesn’t get better than this.
Have a wonderful Sunday. I’m going to enjoy a leisurely breakfast and then prepare for church. I have lunch plans after with the girls. Oliver understands and will watch the back yard for signs of intruders. You know, toads and lizards. Team work makes the dream work.
More tomorrow.