This has always been one of my favorite pieces of art since I first saw in in 1973. A beautiful example from the French pointillist painter, George Seurat, There are so many stories to be told from this piece, it boggles my mind. I plan to use this in 1st grade, observing which details will capture my students imagination. Most will probably pick the monkey or dogs, but, what about the faceless little girl in the center????? Or the team of rowers??? Sailing on a Sunday. The lovers showing PDA. The jilted woman looking off into the distance. The crazy man talking to himself. Or, the modern dude in the tank top and ball cap front left. There are so many ways to go with this.
I remembered this painting while thinking about the 1st annual church picnic at Out of Town Park. It will be coming up next month, complete with games, a piñata, and 60 homemade cupcakes provided by ME. I didn’t say baked, because I may or may not make fancy ones of my own creation. I need to start practicing, if that’s to be the case. I may simply go to the local grocer and order some up. Not sure yet.
Our church hasn’t had a church picnic for a very long time. Everyone is buzzing about it. Why, yesterday, it was the talk of the after-church-continuation-of-fellowship luncheon held at The Bear That’s Black Diner. It seems our town has come back to life, while all the help in town is down for the count. One restaurant (we only have seven), has shuttered it’s doors again for lack of employees. With the added travelers from the interstate, the locals don’t have much of a choice in places to eat. Going to lunch took over two hours yesterday, time spent laughing, talking, and catching up. There was one waiter serving with an entire room of diners.
Time spent with friends is never enough for me. It was so lovely to get caught up with my besties from the bible study. I will really miss them on Thursday mornings. From a new flower shop on Main to the church picnic, the gals filled me in on the latest news. Not gossip, because gossip is never helpful, but real town news. Their friendship and support on the first day of my first week back to school was better than ten naps and a soak in the hot tub. Lunch was grand.
The discussions we shared made me think beyond the words I read in my own daily bible study. Often perplexing, the bible is one tough book to read. Like any interesting book, there are some things that get shelved in the back of my brains, and other things that capture my attention. I continue to marvel at timeless beauty and truths captured over 2,000 years ago. While studying Romans, it seems I’m reading about current day troubles in our society. On the other hand, the Psalms remind me that trying situations will surface during the school year. I need to be ready because storms are on their way.
The rest of the day was spent planning lessons for the first 2.5 weeks. The writing program is delicious. Although I would have approached it the same way, without direction from the teacher’s manual, I would’ve been thinking “Am I doing this correctly?” It’s lovely to get direction from those who created the teaching materials, all supported by the school district. Any parent complainers need to head to the district office. This teacher is following district approved curriculum. The writing program will work out just fine.
Today, I have more planning to finish. I need to write out 21 ID name tags for my littles. I don’t want to be the 1st grade teacher who loses a child on Day 1. I have cubbies to mark with numbers and tables and chairs to sanitize once more. Along with a long list of Amazon orders to make. For me, it’s the best kind of busy there is.
Going back to work has been the most appropriate decision made so far, right behind buying Winterpast while moving 17 days after VST died. My life has never been conventional. This is just one more crazy bend in the road that couldn’t have come at a better time.
I do wish I would’ve had a chance to work under the Principal that hired me. It seems she was just in place for that moment in time. My new principal brings me smiles every time we speak. I plan to learn a lot about leadership from her. Love and support from the staff cover her. How lucky she is to start the year in a school full of co-workers who are also dear friends. Many of the teachers I work with have known each other since grade school. Small town living has its rewards.
Today, I must hurry and scurry. I was quite sure I’d take a little break from the blog to get started. Now, I know I need to keep writing, or time will devour something I love doing so much. Beware, there may be a few days in which more is not in me. On those days, I’ll let you know.
Have a marvelous Monday, whatever you choose to do. Make it grand. Try your hand at your own writing skills. Really look at “Sunday in the Park with George” and find your own little drama to ponder, all the while remembering, “Writing IS life.”.
More tomorrow.