Well, today is the last day of summer for me. When I finally get around to looking at the gardens again, leaves will be falling. Until then, I have so much to do, it’s mind boggling. Yesterday was a day of setting up my classroom library. Sounds easy enough, except that at the start of the day, I didn’t have enough books for even one shelf. Because of my wonderful teacher sisters, I now have two full bookcases holding a wide variety of reading materials. All well used and from the 1900’s, there isn’t a bad book in the group. I know. I looked through them all while organizing them.
Today is ladder day. Amazon is such a blessing. Each box arrives holding just a little more to adorn my room. Today, I’m stapling and sticking charts and color up. Then, with a quick cleaning, I’ll turn my attention to the desk and student materials and planning.
There are NEVER enough hours in the day, (even if a teacher didn’t sleep), to finish 100% of everything on any given day. But, there is progress towards the finish line of June 2nd. By setting goals, I’ll avoid the agony of defeat of being left behind my lofty goals.
These are some daily benchmarks I’m coming up with.
Don’t trip over anything. Above all, do not fall in front of the children.
Smile at least 25% of the day.
Don’t let the kids make you cry in front of them. It a bad look.
If you don’t know the answer, look it up in front of the students. No Guessing, Miss Teacher.
Hold firm and don’t cave to their adorableness. It’s their secret weapon.
Drink lots of water and eat a good lunch.
Enjoy the first three days of school while it’s still puppies, kittens, and flowers.
Repeat. “I am the teacher.” at least once every 3 minutes. NOT OUTLOUD, JOY! Just to yourself will do.
There are so many more things I need to remember. There are a lot of things I’ve already learned through 23 years of experience.
I can teach out of a box. Don’t sweat the lack of curriculum or materials.
I don’t need to save the world. Just 20 adorable littles who are just as excited as their teacher.
Everyone will learn many things each day, especially me.
With a good plan, the details will fall into place. Don’t map out the year, it won’t go the way you planned anyway. No one could every pre-plan the surprises the school year holds. Just look at 2020 and Covid.
Love each minute. Embrace it. Experience it. At the end of the day, it will have turned out just as God planned, even if it doesn’t seem so at the time.
The last teacher to be hired for our team is seasoned with sage just like me. She lovingly came out of retirement like me to teach again. We have much in common. We both gave away every box of teacher stuff we had. Now, we’re starting from scratch, all over again. The difference is that she is down a week. She just got her keys yesterday. Another difference is that she has a husband to help her. How envious I am of that. VST was the best support person that ever lived. It will be lonely teaching without him.
In my personal journal, I’m keeping close notes of all the happenings. In May, I promise to re-read the school year to decide if there will be a second. Nothing written in stone to say this won’t be my fourth retirement from teaching. It is kind of fun. You get to have a little party and cake. But, there’s also nothing to say that I won’t smile at a summer rich with possibilities while collecting more stuff for Year 2.
At this point, my heart is saying, “Way to Go!!!” Although many don’t understand how or why I could want to go back to the classroom, I do. That’s all that matters.
So, I’ll be a 50% for the first week. For everything I plan, if 50% is accomplished. It will be a win. If 50% of my yard looks, okay….. Ya-Hooo! If 50% of the dust bunnies get vacuumed, Oliver will lick up the other 50%. If it takes me 50% shorter of a time to fall asleep, (at present that is about 45 seconds), all the better. Yes. 50% is enough for the first 7 days. Then, we’ll work towards 75% the next week.
A teacher never finishes 100% of her dreams. At least, not this teacher. But the dreams fulfilled are magical, just as they should be. Dreams are magic in the making. My room full of littles and I will dream big this year, and trust me, it will be magical!
That’s 100% the truth.
Whatever you do today, have fun. Be ready, because life can throw a curve ball and you need to react. I’m off to the ladder, stapler, and glue. That just might be the title for tomorrow’s blog.
More tomorrow.