If you are reading this at a later time than normal, let me assure you of two things. At this writing, I haven’t died, and I awoke at my normal time of 4:00. The problem was not on my end, but an irritating technical glitch on the blog site side. Sometimes these things happen. It’s fitting it’s happening on my last few days of summer.
Although the Autumn Equinox hasn’t arrived yet, summer is indeed ending of million in two weeks because we’re all heading back to the classroom. For me, it’s a space I’ve yet to meet or nest. Its appearance is like a nebula in my brain. Swirling colors and possibilities more heavenly than you can imagine. A combination of every teaching experience I’ve had for 22 years. In reality, it will be four walls that I will magically transform into a beautiful classroom in seven days or less.
Reality will hit when I pick up my keys at 10:00 AM on Monday morning, August 1. Early that morning, I’ll be at the Nevada County Office of Education finding out the procedure for getting fingerprinted and dropping off my grade for the course required to free my credential.
Ah. My college course. Well. I’m holding on to my A-. In my book a 92% isn’t an A-, it’s an A, but the screen shows an A-. I was working on accepting the “-“ part until I got her explanation. It was then, I came apart at the seams.
She explained……
Didn’t I KNOW that this assignment from the PRINCIPAL was to write a DISTRICT-WIDE Newsletter about parent engagement???? A K-12 Newsletter (there is no such thing, never has been, never will be, doesn’t exist). AND, my Newsletter, although lovely in every way although not in a A+++ way), was a CLASSROOM Newsletter.
Lovely in every way. Every “A-“ way. Fuming, I let this digest for days. It ruminated, coming up like left over cud to chew again and again in my angry little head. I re-read the instructions repeatedly. Nowhere did I interpret this little bit of information.
“Your principal asked you to create a Newsletter explaining parent engagement”. Period.
I finally did write a “lovely in every way” e-mail asking for more precise instructions for students to come. Graciously, (because she is the nicest instructor I EVER), she offered to let me redo my assignment. Well, we all know. An A- in the hand is worth much more than what could come out from under a bush. No, I’m back to working on humility and acceptance. I’m at peace with my A-.
Yesterday, Winterpast got her yearly cleanup. The gardens look fabulous. I had one dead cottonwood tree removed from behind my garden shed. Dead limbs and low branches were removed. Bleeding stump scars were sprayed with sealant. Dead leaves were blown and collected. Stumps were ground, all during 5 hours of a whirlwind of activity. She’s ready for the yearly shower of golden leaves.
I found myself at the computer most of the day finishing up two more major assignments. With only left for Week 4, I see my CLEARED State of Nevada teaching credential flashing before my eyes. My first paycheck will be deposited on August 20th and just like that, I’m part of the working world.
Today, I’m putting all things computer-related away. I’m closing up shop to run away with Miss Firecracker. After one year, it is time to give her the biggest hug ever, and have fun laughing well into the night. We are going to enjoy our old favorite places. Share war stories about our wonderful husbands, now years gone. In general, we are going to eat too much and sleep too little at a beachy little location known only to the two of us. Just look for fireworks and a lot of laughing. You’ll find us with our toes in the sand.
On Monday, I’ll be picking up my keys and officially morph into Mrs. Hurt, 1st Grade Teacher, Room ?. Amazon is loving my new career, sending me a little of this and a little of that. As my classroom arrives at my door, one box at a time, I’m remembering all the stuff from my past. A good teacher can teach out of a rolling cart. I know. I taught K-12 at a hospital in just that manner. But a HAPPY teacher is something all together different. She has a mountain of lovely teacher stuff. That’s pretty great, too.
Ollie is off on Puppy Safari until Monday, searching for lizards, birds, toads and an occasional cat. Everything just came together in the perfect jigsaw puzzle, as Ollie would have lost his mind with the party and yard clean up. He’s far happier with his friend, Angus, on Safari. Oliver is a very lucky little dog, indeed.
It is for the those very reasons, I will be absent for a few days, returning on Tuesday morning to fill you in on the fun created with my bestie. There is nothing better than girlfriends. True dat.
Please check out my early writing. My very first post was in on September 24, 2020. On the blog site, there’s a menu where you can find my posts from the beginning. Click on “Select Month” and then choose September 2020. I just fixed this link to include all my posts. September 30th will come up. If you scroll to the bottom, you will find a picture of VST and me as well as my very first post on September 24, 2020.
Please accept that my spelling and punctuation were rough on some days. Life is imperfect just like my blog. I smile through the eyes of an A+++ teacher and know my life was a D- at that time. Continually leaking eyes do that to a person. Some articles were too long. Some too short, but all from the deepest sorrow and loss a woman can experience. Widowhood. Please remember, that woman has left the building, leaving bread crumbs of words so we can find her again, when needed. Returning to those first days of widowhood is a wonderful reminder of how far I’ve come and how much I’ve grown as a woman. I hope you like her as much as you like me.
More on Tuesday.