Precious hours last night were another gift from God. As I’ve said so often, this summer has been full of a million quiet miracles showering down on me like sequins and glitter. No. I’m not into lacey pink dresses or very high heels. But, I realized an important fact of life last night. Every girl NEEDS a tiara.
This week, our church is teaching littles about God at Vacation Bible School (VBS). There’s no more important mission than introducing children to God. Such magical times. I remember my own Vacation Bible School. During the hot San Joaquin Valley summer, it was a time to meet other children stuck in different rows of vineyards that went on forever in the land of Dancing Raisins. Kids and teachers I would only meet during that one week every summer because we all went to different schools.
If he feet would’ve been chewed off my wolves, my mom would’ve carried us there on bloodied stumps. She was always looking for enrichment because I was a very bright and busy girl, always thinking, exploring, and doing. My sister shadowed along for the ride. I was the true mastermind of exploration. It was my mom’s job to keep me directed in positive ways.
This week, I had intended to help at VBS, but, the tasks awaiting completion before summer ends became too much. Four more big college assignments need to finished by next week. Then, it’s time to see if my whistle still has its power.
Because of VBS, there is no Women’s Bible Study this week, so I decided to throw a little party celebrating my life’s surprises. New girlfriends that make me think and laugh a lot. A new chance at my career, at least for one more year. A new opportunity to be the best version of myself, without regrets.
The menu was simple. The guest list complete when everyone arrived. The food abundant. The minutes evaporating in an instant. From the first “Hello” to the last “See You Soon”, the girls and I had a blast. We never stopped talking for over two hours.
The Gal with the Golden Spatula whipped up the best spinach dip I have ever tasted. The Mother of Humble Beginnings made an extraordinary potato salad. Shy Shel brought my absolute favorite, RICE KRISPIE TREATS. First Grade Fran brought a touch of the islands with fresh pineapple and cantelope. Blossom brought fresh watermelon. And sweet and wonderful Miss Dyn-o-myte came with a green salad. Ladies if I forgot anyone, I’ll remember you in a second. My mind is swirling through everything that happened last night, remembering every single hug and smile. Added to the mix were two of the sweetest kiddos who tolerated a bunch of women who needed a party.
With hot dogs and hamburgers cooking on the Ninja grill, and homemade ice cream for desert, we did this up right. Winterpast was the perfect hostess. Even though the temperature was 104 degrees in the shade at 5PM, we were cool as cucumbers sitting around the kitchen table. There was no 6′ rule. So glad those days are over, at least for now.
I know these women are my new family for the most obvious reason. We all sat around the kitchen table. The best conversations and friendships form around a table. If it’s in the kitchen, all the better. If the table is filled with party food, BEST OF ALL!!!
When the food was gone and the party was wrapping up, my sweet and wonderful friends surprised me with TWO gifts. Most of them knew of my recent accomplishment of winning The Golden Pencil Award for 250,000 reads. If one is awarded The Golden Pencil, it should be accompanied by a diamond encrusted tiara. So, they gave me my very own!!!!! The first thing I put on this morning, I may well wear it when I do errands today. People will just be in awe of this Desert Jewel as she ponders the parsnips and pineapples while picking her produce. Just let them wonder. If they look too long, I’ll smile and wave!
Mine is the most beautiful tiara. Did I mention it is made of diamonds?? How they got the perfect fit I don’t know, but they did. It catches the light in just the right way and sparkles like crazy.
As if that wasn’t enough, there was a second gift to celebrate my new job! A travel cup that says, “It Takes a Big Heart to Shape Little Minds”. How sweet!! And exactly what I need for the classroom to avoid spillage on important papers. Every teacher needs a signature coffee cup. I’ve got mine.
As the sun dropped below the mountains, the party was over and they were gone. In an instant, standing in a cleaned kitchen, it was as if the party was just a sweet dream. I was left to praise God for the blessing of friendship in my life. These wonderful women sparkle more brilliantly than the diamonds sitting on my head. (I did mention that I now have my very own tiara, RIGHT????)
The time is short and I have extremely big shoes to fill. For a time, I can hide behind the new clothes I’ll be wearing. I can look the part with my 1900’s whistle and lanyard. I’ll put in long hours before and after school and on weekend to make this school year the best for 20 littles. I’ll assess record, talk, and listen. I’ll sing and make funny faces. The eyes in the back of my head will get tired from alerting me to tell student A to stop tormenting Student B.
I have five days, 4 hours until I get the keys to the kingdom. My Room. Not sure what the number will be, but Dahlia assured me my name will be one the door!!! How cool is that?
Ladies, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for enriching my world with your love and friendship. I know you’ll be right there with me when I open for business on August 17th. My coffee cup will sit proudly on my new desk and the tiara will go with me for the first few days of school. Don’t you worry! Mrs. Hurt is finally BACK!!!! Be ready!!!
More tomorrow.