Pictures tell a thousand words. No matter his antics, this is the sweetest guy in the entire world. I mean, really. It’s all in the eyes. Oliver’s technical breed description is long. He’s a Cream, Piebald, Wire-Haired Dachshund with a liver nose and green eyes. They look black inside the house, but in the sun, they are weirdly human and quite green. I can identify every adorable little spot on his body. He understands the human language quite well, but hasn’t yet been able to form a word. He is the friendship ambassador in this household.
No one wanted Oliver. He came from a large litter and 4.5 months later, two days before Christmas, he was the last of the bunch. He was a discount dog. This breeder has a wonderful reputation. His puppies sell before they are born, costing almost as much as I paid for my first car in the 1900’s. VST and I would have never gone for that. But, Oliver was a discount dog waiting to come home with us.
When VST used to talk him for walks, they’d be gone awhile. Between VST’s charm and his little four-legged friend magnet, they visited with strangers on every corner. Both of them loved going their walks. Because of Oliver’s strong opinions, his days of walking in my neighborhood are over. There are big country dogs that don’t take kindly to the yapping’s of a little piece of lint like him, even if he is 25 lbs. of raw fighting machine when necessary.
Once a month, Oliver shares time with his friends at puppy camp. His bestie is Angus, who must be driving his owners bonkers, too. Angus and Oliver run the joint. The party starts when those two are together. Whether laying by the pool, or playing tug of war, they wear each other to a frazzle. I’m sure there are some girlfriends I haven’t heard about. He’s pretty private about stuff like that, wanting me to feel that I’m #1. Especially at dinner time.
Oliver has another special friend. Sam. Oliver and I met Sam the summer of 20019. Oliver was almost one-year-old, and it was time for a grooming. His hair was a little out of control and his nails made a pretty decent clip-pity-clip on the hardwood floors. Not sure where to take him, it was suggested that the groomer next to his vet was a good one. It was there we met Sam.
We both liked her from the beginning. Sam is a stand up kind of woman. The love of dogs beams from her eyes and Oliver liked her as much as I did. She made him even more handsome every ten weeks while sending him home with a kerchief instead of little bows on his ears. After all, a Virginia City dog cannot be sporting bows on the ears. Good grief!! The talk would be endless.
Since that time, every ten weeks Oliver and I drive 45 minutes to her door. Yesterday, it was to be our last visit. You see, Sam is closed on Saturdays. She works 9-4, M-F.. I’ll be busy at school with my littles. No matter how I tried to figure this out, it was a fact. I’d need to find a new groomer. Oliver and I would need to trust someone else with their sharp clippers. Maybe even accept ear bows. Tragic.
I did look for a replacement here in my dusty little town on the wide spot in the road. Visiting the shop everyone raves about was an experience. Can I just leave it at that? Not a match. The other was a mobile groomer who has no way to suspend Oliver for his nail grinding, which he detests. Sam just hangs him up like a bag of potatoes and goes to work. Not much he can do but wait until she’s done. Sam knows Oliver. They have worked out the details.
Yesterday was to be our “Goodbye” day. Oliver didn’t really believe it at all. I guess I should have shared his faith. Sam wouldn’t let us down. And she didn’t
When I entered the shop, she presented a bright green sticky holding 10 AM appointment dates until January 2023. She is now open on Saturday for two dogs every other month. Guess what? Oliver is one of them! Her extreme kindness made me so glad that she’s MY friend, too.
Seven days after VST had passed, Oliver had a grooming appointment. I don’t remember all the details because widow’s fog has robbed me of so many memories. But, I do remember her sweet face as she took Ollie’s leash.
“Things are pretty rough, aren’t they?”
With a shake of my head, she gave me the best hug and told me how sorry she was. It was then I realized Sam not only loves dogs, she loves people too.
During Ollie’s two hour mutt fluff, I usually shop for groceries. Yesterday I changed things up and went bargain hunting, finding three classroom sweaters and two adorable dresses. A 1st grade teacher has to look as nice as her dog.
When I went to retrieve my furry little friend, I had to laugh. Around his neck was no kerchief this time. It was a scholarly silk bow-tie covered in colorful happy faces. Perfect for my little canine, the teacher’s dog. Sam is part of our family here in the high deserts where the winds blow kind people into our lives every day.
Remember people in your life that help every day. The smallest things you do for others can solve big worries. You’re a super-hero to many out there by just doing what you do. Have a beautiful Tuesday.
More tomorrow.