Oh what a day I enjoyed yesterday! As July rolls on, broiling under the desert sun of July, my days are filled with more fun than any widow woman could hope for. These days, my phone rings and pings with the laughter and prayers from new friends. The Church Ladies. I have over 20 of the best women in town on my team now. Team Giggles and Grins.
It’s an amazing thing to receive an invitation to an event, because in this dusty little wide spot in the road, we don’t have many. We are a truck stop town. A place to pull off the interstate to gas up because it’s 30 cents cheaper than the next county. A place to get some fast food and keep going. A place two hours away from Tahoe and on the doorstep of Burning Man. That’s where I live. The high desert plains of Northwestern Nevada. A place where the women are tougher than sun-scorched paint.
Yesterday was a special day for one such woman and her husband. It was the Grand Opening of their brand new employment agency. Nestled between the China Buffet and a small church, there’s a most beautiful office. Everything new. Inspirational signs on the walls. Fresh paint. New carpet. The freshest of hopes and dreams. It was their Grand Opening day.
With the promise of free food and a job, three of my Sisters in Christ and I showed up to meet them and celebrate. The mayor and his wife were there, along with city council men and women. They held an enormous pair of scissors and a roll of blue tape for the official announcement of the opening. It’s been awhile since I have been present for a ribbon cutting. We all did it desert style. There were no suits and ties. With temperatures of over 100, the parking lot was sweltering. Definitely casual attire.
Talking with the new owner, it was evident she is a business owner that has her sights set on success. She spoke of her desire to be an example of grit and determination to inspire her daughter and teach her that to get somewhere, sometimes you need to walk through the desert. At 14, the young girl was already answering phones and filing. A family working as a unit is sometimes invisible because they are in the background working. I’m sure there are far more of these units in our country than the daily news wants to recognize. I remember one such family that farmed grapes for 17 years. Mine.
The event was graced with the most amazing food. Churros. Now, if you have never had a fresh fried churro, then, you have never eaten a churro. They are the Mexican version of a funnel cake. A man named Jesus (pronounced HAY-soos) was deep frying a batter a little thicker than pancake batter. Squirting it into extremely hot oil, in minutes, the golden friend treats were dipped in cinnamon and sugar and left to cool. If you have ever had a freshly baked Krispie Cream donut, the texture was just like that, but with a crunch.
Even better, Jesus and his mom had the best smiles. They were genuinely happy to be helping make the event a celebration. Mom sat on the tailgate of the truck, quietly watching her son work his magic. He makes a living deep-frying churros for all kinds of events and he obviously loves Churros. Add it to a long list of carbohydrates that scream “This will make you gain 5 lbs. immediately, Joy”. A list of foods I must try to avoid. Carbohydrates. My dark addiction.
We had the best time enjoying the party with a business owner who was now our new friend. The mayor’s wife shared pictures of her 12th grandchild. The councilman that owns an office store in town talked with pride about his exceptional staff. In all, it was a parking lot party to remember.
Feeling the need to share more time together, the four of us decided we would drive to the home of Top Gun (yes the REAL Top Gun Naval Air Station) to get some Pho. Again, an ethnic food of another kind you may not have ever tried. Pho (pronounce “fuh”. Snap that off your tongue. Fuh. Fuh. Fuh. Kind of fun to say. Like FUN with no N). Pho is a Vietnamese broth based soup with meat and vegetables.
The 30 minute drive was filled with chatter about all kinds of things. Church Ladies don’t only discuss the Bible. Just normal gals that have lived us some life, we all have stories.
In the car sat a world traveled Hollywood executive who retired from that career and now runs the food pantry for our church. A retired Coca Cola executive who worked at a time when women hit their heads on the glass ceiling while men shattered it and went on up the ladder, sometimes by stepping on the heads of women they passed. A woman who has lived and worked from coast to coast of this great country learning about people, politics, and the ways of the world. And me. Four beautiful Women of Christ. Four of the best kind of friends. Heart friends.
The restaurant and staff were delightful. It was my first experience saying or even seeing a bowl of Pho. I do know one thing. It’s a super fun word to say. PHO. PHO. PHO. Especially for church ladies.
I got home after dark last night. Oliver was unimpressed, still in trouble after destroying my lone bell pepper plant. When will this dog grow up? Maybe never. That is the sad truth of the matter. I love his intelligence, but it gets him in trouble more often than not. Back to the leash and Doggie Manners 101. I know there is a great dog somewhere in there. I hope I live to see the adult side of him.
Go out and try some new foods today. Find some PHO or a fresh churro. Attend a Ribbon Cutting to help celebrate the efforts of a new business owner. Meet the mayor. Hug his wife.
Small town life. It doesn’t get better than this!
More tomorrow.