Yesterday, after a two mile walk in the cool between night and day, a project was waiting. My new Ring doorbell needed to be installed. At this point in time, I COULD call A Mr. Fix-it Type. However, why would I choose to do that? After watching a short video, it was demonstrated that with a screwdriver, a ladder, and a main breaker to turn off power, I could do it myself, so I did. DYI SUCCESS!!!!!
Every woman should know a few key things.
- Where is your main breaker box? Winterpast has the main box and two sub-panels. Makes things very convenient. That’s more complicated than most houses, which just have one. Some people keep a lock on the box. If you are a lock person, please know where the key is in an emergency. Your breakers should be labeled. Investigate exactly what those labels say.
- How do you de-energize your entire house? Flip the biggest switch in the box marked MAIN. You simply flip it to the “Off” position. You ALWAYS check your project with a tester to make sure what you flipped to “Off” really cut the power. Getting shocked is not fun on any day. Electrocution kind of ruins the fun of the project.
- At the same time, find your gas main. How do you turn that off? Look that up on You Tube. In some unforeseen disaster, you just might need to cut the gas to your house. Know where these things are.
Sometimes, breakers will flip off for some reason. Make a note that this has happened, because, that isn’t normal. Something caused the problem. But, flip the breaker back on. Here are Winterpast, that has happened a couple of times. No big deal. What would be of concern is if the breaker continues to flip off. Sadly, that is the time to call a real $$$ELECTRICIAN$$$. Did I mention the $$$ part? It’s good to try a few things before you need to call THAT guy.
I have a new code to live by. When considering a project, the only things keeping me from doing it myself are extreme heights or the the need for manly strength. Anything else, I’ll be handling. VST taught me so many things and, in his honor, I will not waste money hiring any GUY. I am now THE GUY in this house (while fully embracing my womanhood, thank you very much).
If you are stuck on any project, You Tube is your friend. Remember, last week I learned how to re-program my external garage door opener. A world of knowledge is at our fingertips.
After a few short minutes, I had the physical doorbell installed. I did some troubleshooting when it didn’t connect right away. I needed to turn the power back off so the doorbell could reset. After that, it was done in a flash.
There is the need to do some work on the Ring.Com site. The doorbell needs to communicate to your internet system and your phone. Directions are clear, but, there is a need to install and activate the technology end of the project.
I must say the sensitivity of the camera is pretty amazing. Yesterday, I had visits when some friendly finches and the cutest jackrabbit came to call. I’m now alerted when the postman drops my mail or Ninja Neighbor comes back from the grocery store. Today, I’ll fine tune the app. There is even a way to talk to people outside. All this will be on mute when I’m teaching in a few short weeks, but for the first 24 hours, it’s been fun to play with this technology.
My college course started yesterday. It’s exciting to meet other teachers from Nevada. In fact, two are from the biggest little city to the west of me. Both are music instructors, so we don’t have the love of writing in common. It’s just fun to know they are close, almost like sitting in class together.
It’s been years since I have cited sources, so today, I’m reviewing the AMA style. My first assignment is due tomorrow. I wrote the rough draft last night. Today, I’ll be adding the finishing touches and put it on the instructor’s desk before I close my eyes tonight.
I also had my first contact with my new school district. It seems my district is paying bonuses for new hires. Just another happy little accident as God unfolds this amazing summer for me. I’m now journaling all the surprises along this path. What a ride!!! My guest room is filling up with supplies for the classroom. My attention needs to turn to attire and other important items for my big comeback.
Yesterday, Subway was showcasing their new menu and giving away lunch. Their app is another great one to keep on your phone. They often offer deals, but rarely a free 6″ sandwich. Then later in the day, KFC offered free home delivery to try their Mac and Cheese Popcorn Chicken Bowl for $5. Also necessary to order from their app. In 25 minutes, dinner was at my door, steaming hot. Technology just makes things too easy.
I’m off to walk in this the beautiful time between night and day. Enjoy your day, whatever you choose to do. Remember, always turn the power off first before working with electrical things. Stay upright while having some fun.
More tomorrow.