It’s official. I am the newest employee of our little elementary school! On 7/8/2022, at 10:23 AM, I officially accepted the task of taking 20 children through the first numbered year of their education. I will be pictured with the class. Me. Mrs. Hurt will live on in their memories long after I’ve joined VST.
Thursday night was not especially restless, but one filled with the happiest of memories from my very first classroom in the Fall of 1997. I remember how anxious I was to begin the year. A 1st-2nd Grade combination class including a student with special needs. Not having much in my own bag of tricks, I could at least look nice. What was a girl to do but utilize the skills of a professional shopper. That’s exactly what I did.
Macy’s used to be a different place than I find it today. It was neat and clean. Each department was brimming with knowledgeable associates to help you with your purchases. Employees were fresh and experienced. They put forth a group effort to present Macy’s as a store with a little more. In the 1900’s. Ahh, for the days gone by.
In late summer 1996, the Macy’s professional shopper lady put together a school teacher look for one very terrified Mrs. Hurt. Everything from the proper blazer to penny loafers, I had the look down. Tailored and tweedy. Blouses that went with pants or skirt. A couple wool jumpers. Dark tights to warm me on winter mornings out on the playground. Everything I needed to pull off the burgandy and navy look.
When I look at pictures from that first year, if nothing else, I was the best dressed teacher at the school. But, that first year I learned some valuable lessons.
Glue and cashmere don’t mix.
The classroom is a petri dish of bio hazards.
You can’t kneel down to a child’s level to comfort them in a pencil skirt.
Penny loafers provide no arch support.
The most important thing of all……
NOBODY CARES. Fashion is not why teachers are teaching.
I have a plan for my wardrobe this year. I hope there is a Casual Friday, because my Levi’s Signature jeans from Walmart and a school hoodie will do just fine.
I’m going to use what I already have in my closet and zing it up with some color in one way or another. First graders find black rather boring. If things don’t quite match, we’ll work on adjectives that day. Clothing is the least of my worries.
In my old classrooms, I had a refrigerator, microwave, and cabinet full of comforting supplies. I often missed going to lunch with the other teachers. That will change this year. 25 minutes of adult contact in the middle of the day is the best nourishment of all for a new teacher. The lunch room already has those appliances.
A friend mentioned that it must be incredibly stressful to get an entire room together after being retired for 5 years. Not especially.
I was the single classroom teacher for five years at a Children’s Hospital. I taught out of a rolling cart because the hospital didn’t have one extra inch of space for a teacher’s office. TRUE. My office was at the back table in the cafeteria for 5 years, as the staff at that hospital behaved badly. They had not even a cubicle where I could go to cry on days I needed to. I saved those tears for the 45 minute drive home, when I would talk to God about childhood cancer or cystic fibrous. I mourned the loss of 35 students in plain sight, without the benefit of an office door to close.
My rolling cart always provided the right lessons at the right time. It was just big enough to carry all the books and lessons I needed for the students I saw every day. From the heights of intensive care to the depths of the rehabilitation wing, I rolled through five years and over 200 students.
During that time, I learned something very valuable. A teacher needs just a few things. A baggie full of pencils. A packet of paper. A bright, beautiful smile and attitude to support that. And a brain. With that, a teacher can teach in any outfit, on any day, in any situation. Even while machinery beeps and IV’s drip.
Today, I’m working on my first college assignments. My instructor is from one of my favorite states in the mid-west. Her husband has written 13 novels, five of them being westerns. I admire her already. There are three of us over achievers sitting in class, waiting for Monday morning. I want the other two in my group.
As for clothing, my VC squad is going to outfit me this time. I’ll be looking at the discount section of Macy’s. This time, no personal shopper. Just too great girlfriends that will help me get a 1st grade look going. I can tell you, it will be the most memorable shopping experience I’ve had in some time.
Have a wonderful Saturday!
More tomorrow.