People have lost their minds. Plan and simple. Living in a small desert town on a dusty wide spot in the road, I have a hard time comprehending the actions of many these days. Case in point. The Love Boat that needed assistance from the Coast Guard because of an onboard fight in their nightclub.
In recent days, a cruise ship was bobbing along the seas in international waters headed towards the east coast of the good old USA. What lucky people to be able to enjoy the luxury of a cruise, right?
Once, in a lifetime long, long ago, I went on a cruise. Newly divorced with two very small children, I spent $440 on a one week singles cruise to Mexico. The catch was that I would bunk with three other singles that I didn’t know. At the time, being 20-something, that wasn’t as horrifying as it would be today. It was simply a way to take a much needed vacation. Single motherhood was taking it’s toll. At the time, I had two boys, age 4 and 2.
During that week, the world was at my fingertips. All meals were served at a set time. My roommates were celebrating their graduations from Cal Poly. Three adorable women that had spent the last four years of their lives studying engineering. We bonded immediately, they being quite sure I was the true Goddess of fertility for producing two children. I was equally as positive they were the Goddess Dream Catchers on the brink of having the corporate world at their manicured fingertips. The truth was somewhere in the middle on both accounts.
During that week, we sunned our bikini clad bodies by the pool. We drank and ate way too much. Sightseeing at exciting ports, we met new people. We snorkeled and saw all the sights. We danced at the nightclub while flipping our long and luxurious hair. In short, for $440, I felt human again during that one week of splendor.
I can assure you of this. In our wildest dreams, it never crossed our minds to get involved with an onboard fight at the ship’s nightclub. In fact, during the cruise, I never heard anyone raise their voice in anger. Everyone knew how to behave. But, that was the 1900’s. Things were different then, weren’t they?
Watching the children of today on news footage, I can only wonder if their parents are watching proudly from home. When our kids were 18, we were proud of them because each one struck out on their own to make good lives for themselves. Pretty sure they never incited a riot anywhere. They were too busy serving our country in the Air Force, working, and going to college. By the way, we raised five people to adulthood. We’ve remained proud of each one for their numerous accomplishments and contributions that have make our world a better place.
Looking at protesters ruining cities and causing fear, I can’t help wondering, “What’s the point?” The issues they’re fighting about are often nothing that even concerns them.
Right to choose? Hmmmm. I’ve had little right to choose when it came to some recent medical decisions. As far as I know, my body is still my body, but that surely didn’t matter when considering real medical reasons why the vaccination isn’t right for me. As a matter of fact, I couldn’t throw a punch in a cruise ship night club if I wanted to right now. Non-vax-ers are forbidden, and will remain that way for the foreseeable future.
Children are breaking things and revolting much like the two year old that throws messy tantrums. Except, these aren’t children. They’re young adults that are ruining a very nice, calm way of life for others. These actions are taking away our right to choose peaceful, clean, cities that were once beautiful places to visit, live, and work. Now ruining expensive vacations for others, crazy actions caused the need for the US Coast Guard to get involved. ON A CRUISE SHIP FOR GOODNESS SAKES.
I hope someday to take a cruise around the world. I have it picked out. Three months of bobbing, dining, and sight seeing. Wondering if the restrictions on people like me will ever be lifted, I now have another consideration. If they are, what do I pack for personal protection? Mace? Brass knuckles? Should I brush up on my karate moves? A cruise ship is the last place a person should worry about being part of a fight in a nightclub. Such is urban life and warfare. I’ll take my chances with the rattlesnakes here in the wild, wild, west.
For now, back to the reality of painting. Two more days to finish the job. Covid just broke out at the church. Staying in is a grand idea right now. At least, if Oliver decides to start a fight, I think I can still win. No US Coast Guard protection needed here at Winterpast.
More tomorrow.