Last night, I did everything I normally do before falling to sleep. Arranging my materials for writing this morning, I carefully put my glasses on the nightstand. I even got my phone plugged in for the night. But, somewhere, I omitted the important step of setting the alarm. Luckily, my back-up alarm never fails. I can count on Oliver.
In 22 years of teaching, I never missed the bell. I never even came close. In my first days of teaching, I made it a point to be at my desk by 5:30 AM every day. That wasn’t the most convenient or easiest, as I still had kids and a husband at home with ranch work on the side. Arriving so early, the school was quiet. There was time to think and put the finishing touches on our day. Morning work was placed neatly on each desk. The copy machines were empty and there were no teaching friends to talk with. The day unfolded in such a great way, and by 3:00, I left with the kids.
Being on campus early, I discovered that parents liked to meet at the beginning of the day better than after school. It meant they didn’t need to clear an afternoon during their work day. All in all, it worked for me during my career. But, I was 40-something and it was the 1900’s.
A friend recently asked me about my choice to return to the classroom and what it meant for all my new found activities and friends. Just what will I do without Thursday Bible Study and all the impromptu lunches I’ll miss? What? No shopping trips with friends? Or fall trip to Mount Rushmore and Yellowstone?
Twenty-seven years have passed since I bought my first shiny whistle. Almost three decades. That being said, 3rd Graders haven’t aged a day. I locked my door for the last time May 26, 2017. Five years is a long time to rust up. It didn’t take the Tin Man but a few overnight thunderstorms.
This morning was my first good jolt that there is no back up alarm except Oliver here at Winterpast.
Once he was retired, VST was the best support system a woman could have. He would start the pellet stove a few minutes before I got up. Making sure that I had on all pieces of clothing, (none being backwards), he even checked for matching shoes. He made sure that I had a good breakfast and drove me to the front door of the school. After work, he was waiting in the parking lot to take me to dinner. All without complaint, 5 days a week. All I had to focus on was teaching.
Now, if Oliver only had thumbs he could probably do more to help. But, at best, he is an amazing alarm clock. His small noises start about 3:50 AM every morning. Little suggestions that it is getting close to his breakfast time. By 4:00 AM, he is insistent that “IT IS TIME FOR BREAKFAST, MOM-OH”. This morning, he didn’t wake up until I did.
These days, I’m in training for the physicality of the classroom. I’m sharpening my mind for the demands of college, as my course starts in less than two weeks. I’m organizing my life and collecting items for my new classroom. I’m considering my current life of retirment and analyzing the plusses and minuses of re-entering the work force. My beloved readers, I’m freaking out just a little. What am I about to do? What will I gain? What am I willing to I risk? What could I lose? Helping children on their academic journey is the obvious WHY in this situation.
So far, my new morning schedule works well. Up at 4:00AM. 1.5 hours for writing and then my day can unfold with an ETA arrival time at work at 7 AM. So far, that’s a comfortable time frame. But, add late nights of grading papers and worrying about kiddos. Add a couple missed alarms. Yikes. The wheels could fall off my train quicker than they’re falling off the brand new recalled Toyotas.
As VST would surely remind me, a contract has not yet been signed. There are many more days of summer left in which I’ll make a decision that’s right for me. I don’t want to look back three years from now with regret that I didn’t fake it until I made it. I also don’t want to look back at a disastrous attempt that failed.
Plus-Minus-Plus-Minus. My favorite way of considering and making a hard decision.
Today will be full of painting and door hanging. As June 30 creeps up on me, I won’t miss my goal. The hallway is almost done. Painting is a great time to decide if I have what it takes to go back to school. All prayers for wisdom are welcomed.
Have a wonderful Monday. More tomorrow.