On my way to a brand new day here at Winterpast. So many parts of my life are being renewed at this very moment. From the gardens and their fresh green leaves to my Teaching Credential, I’m resetting life one step at a time. Today, it’s the Nevada Driver’s license. Mine expires in December, 2022. Much easier to navigate the roads when it’s not the middle of winter.
In 2015, VST and I were like comets shooting out from the bowels of California. Although we had a beautiful house on top of our very own mountain, life had become unbearable for us. We were fleeing just like millions of other Californians who know a bee is not a fish and other important facts.
Wanting to stay close to the kids, (who aren’t kids but amazing adults), we decided on Virginia City, Nevada. A tiny little place just outside the Biggest Little City in the World. One of the first things that we needed to do was establish residency with new driver’s licenses. An easy fix, we had the proper documents in hand and plenty of time. After all, we were both retired for the first week we lived there.
The DMV office was similar to every other office in the land. No one goes there to hang out and enjoy a cup of coffee. This DMV had something not yet seen in California. Direct texting about appointment times and place in line. Yes. It was a glorious introduction to Nevada to sit in our car and wait for the text alert that we were next. We were giddy with delight.
VST presented all his documents. Success.
His eye test was finished. Eyes of an eagle.
I was next as we were a two-pack.
My documents were flawless. Perfect.
And then.
The eye test.
At the time, I was wearing one contact lens that provided 20/20 vision in the left eye. The other contact was for reading. At the time, a 2.25 correction. What girl wants to wear glasses anywhere if contacts are available? Right?
Don’t let vanity slay you at the DMV.
No wrinkled eye chart 20 feet away on the wall. Nope.
A digital device that you look through, up-close and personal. The 20/20 eye did great. All the little letters were in on the screen as plain and clear as anything. It was the other eye that caused the problem.
“Okay, read the letters.”
In my perkiest new Nevadan, old Californian voice I said, “I’m ready. Turn them on.”
“The letters are there.”
“Uh. No. They aren’t. Turn them no please.”
After a few exchanges, VST looked into the device and then at me with a most horrified stare. The letters were visible. The machine was set to make them invisible if a dope was wearing a 2.25 corrective contact lens. It would mean a return trip on another day with the dopey glasses.
“Next.” The Nevadan ponytail behind the counter enjoyed that one a little too much.
The next day, wearing my glasses, the test was a complete success and my driver’s license was issued, good until my birthday 2022. At the time, that seemed an eternity away. In reality, I would teach two more years, helping 113 more kiddos. 3,300 square feet of house needed painting. Balls to attend. Curbside parades for every tiny celebration. And, one husband to love until he died. The most precious days of my life were ahead.
Fast forward to today.
Glasses? Check.
Necessary documents? Check.
Prepared to take written test, if presented with one? Check.
Money for licensing fees? Check.
The only thing that can ruin this is my nerves. Limiting the coffee, I’ll set off on dusty roads heading south. A 45 minute drive to review the rules of the road in my head. Leaving early, if I’m not one of the first 5 people in line at 8 AM, I’ll feel the defeat before the battle.
Have a wonderful day, whatever you do. I don’t plan to celebrate anything today except my very new and wonderful Nevada Driver’s license. I wonder what the next 7 years will hold????
More tomorrow.