My new Bible study group is the happiest spot in my week. Every Thursday, beginning at 9:15, the women begin to arrive. Everyone comes together from different situations in their lives. Some struggles are minute to minute, while others are long battles with years of mourning and grief. Leaving our public masks at the door, we come to learn more about the Bible and each other.
Yesterday, gals brought in items for the food pantry. Everything from dog food to a watermelon. People bring what the spirit moved them to buy. Bread. Eggs. A little chocolate. Non-perishables. A can of this. A bottle of that. Shopping for someone’s time of need. A very nice thing to do.
I’d almost decided to take care of my Driver’s License appointment at the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) office located in our county’s seat. If you aren’t a rural type, a county seat is an administrative center, seat of government, or capital city of a county or civil parish.
My county is spread over 2,024 square miles (Think of a square with 45 mile long sides). 2,001 sq. miles of that is land. 23 square miles of that is water (Think of a square with almost 5 mile sides). My town is the largest, even though the county seat is 45 minutes away. The population of that vast amount of land is under 60,000 people. Our highest peak is 10,565 feet. That kind of gives you an idea of the expansive area in which I live.
Yesterday, I decided the DMV could wait for another day. I needed my girlfriends more than a driving test. That can wait until next week. I needed the friendship of 15 of the best gals in my town. Laughter. Gasps of astonishment. A few tears. And, hugs. Plenty of hugs.
The meeting is supposed to last an hour. It never does. It starts 30 minutes early and ends 2 hours after that when the day calls us out the door to other responsibilities. Some ladies continue on over lunch, while others, like me, return to a quiet home.
Yesterday, in the most gentle and beautiful way, we practiced the art of conversation and compromise. All being of different backgrounds and all very strong willed, some of the class doesn’t like the curriculum, while others need it. The current curriculum is a college level course about fundamentals of the Bible. Some of us need that foundation, while others are further along on their spiritual journey. Some women prefer book clubs, while others prefer a class that is prepared by Bible scholars.
The leader of our group sat by, quietly nervous. Blind in one eye with poor vision in the other, she had prayed long hours over the choice of her curriculum. To hear that it was beneath some was hard to hear. In the classroom, you can please some and some will find fault. Keep your eye on the goal and carry on. ‘Aint nobody gonna please ’em all.
In the end, we decided to carry on and leave the decision for another day. The general agreement was that we all have one thing in common. The Bible is a very confusing manuscript. Coming together to study The Word brings it to life.
I’m happy for another week. Tonight, the preparation for the big church yard sale tomorrow is in full swing. Friday night activities in a small town vary from house to house. From BBQ’s to a drag down main, everyone will be out tonight as the weather’s fine. Next Wednesday, we step into summer and the desert will turn up the heat. One last spring weekend is upon us with unseasonable cool temperatures.
Whatever you do today, enjoy a little happiness. Whether it’s in the garden or sneaking a favorite snack. Do something that brings you a smile.
More tomorrow.