What can I say. This little guy runs the show. He doesn’t ask much. Just the basics.
There is nothing that Sir Oliver, Gentleman of Ashworth Hall loves more than his daily meals. Two 1/2 cup servings of Iam’s Lamb and Rice mini chunks. He loves his food, enjoying the happiest times of day at 4:00 AM and PM. It became necessary for me to buy a puzzle bowl to slow him down. Until today Oliver was a hearty eater.
This morning, everything was normal. Oliver whined a little to wake me up. After starting the coffee, we both used the bathroom. Pee Pads are the greatest thing ever and Oliver has mastered them.
He raced off with normal excitement to wait at the pantry door for his breakfast. I scooped and shared his normal meal.
That’s when the most bizarre happened. He sat and looked at me. Then, he looked at the food container in the pantry. Looking at his dish with disgust, he refused to eat. Absolutely refused his food. I’m quite sure his eyes were saying, “Look Lady, here I draw the line. Something’s wrong with this food. ‘Aint happening.”
Weird things are happening with our human food supply. Watch your pet’s behavior around meal time. Be sure that what goes in comes out looking consistent from day to day. Make sure to provide plenty of fresh, cool water for your pets as summer approaches. Watch their behavior and listen to them when they are truly trying to tell you something.
The 1/2 bag of Iam’s food went into the garbage. Opening a new bag, he ate, although not with his normal excitement. It doesn’t help that his human idol, Ace, is visiting. When Ace is here, Oliver’s world is complete. Food is second place. Little else exists for Oliver when Ace is around.
Our furry friends are such an important part of life. Be sure to take good care of them. If something looks or smells off with their food, listen to them and start over.
More tomorrow.