With gas prices skyrocketing and groceries costing as much as our mortgages used to be, we’re all looking for a deal. Just yesterday I read that stores are now discounting merchandise because they have no more shelf space. The world has gone totally mad. What happened to the supply chain problem??? The Walmart to the East has merchandise stacked in the aisles.
Yesterday, I decided to investigate this for myself. I found many great deals on clothing at Walmart. I hope our young families are clued in and doing Back-To-School shopping now, even though the last day of school hasn’t yet arrived for some kids. Lots of bargains to be found on the overflowing racks.
You may not know this, but, garden centers often discount struggling plants. Sometimes, perfectly healthy ones get thrown in with their ailing friends. At my Go-To Garden Center, the discount is usually 50%. Plants are so expensive these days, and everyone loves a bargain. Buying a discounted one can be a risk. You might be buying a plant that has no chance of survival, so be careful. Do your homework.
Think about your local temperatures for the next two months. Here in the desert, Johnny-Jump-Ups or pansies are not a flower I would ever buy, discounted or not. Their delicate blooms and the hot desert sun are not a match. But, a succulent that has been overwatered or in the shade a bit too long is a good selection for me. If you do live in the desert, try those that have thick waxy leaves.
Try to avoid those plants that show evidence that their blooming cycle is finished (dead or dying flowers). Those plants are often annuals that are at the end of life. Best you leave them on the shelf.
A great choice are grape vines or roses. Both bounce back after a little tender loving care. Here, it’s late in the season to transplant anything, as most plants need cooler spring temperatures to establish themselves. That goes for vegetable starts, as well. If you have a covered patio, you might want to place the vine or rose bush in a pot until fall when the temperatures are great for planting in the garden.
At my store, there’s a separate area for discounted houseplants. Thursday is the day the tired plants get marked down. I never pay full price for houseplants and have so many, my favorite coffee cup is marked “Plant Lady”. House plants clean the air and make me smile. A home can’t have too many.
A note about house plants. I often get compliments and comments about the health of my house plants. Yes. They are all thriving. There is a trick to this phenomenon. If they don’t thrive, they are replaced. No need looking at a Pathos that has one leaf. Say your Good Bye, shed a tear, and begin again. When replacing the plant, (because plants are good for you), consider the reason the last plant died. Perhaps you need to change its location or open your curtains more often. Miracle Grow plant food does produce miraculous results.
Don’t forget to shower your houseplants at least once each season. That’s right. Shower them with cold water to clean dusty leaves. You’ll be amazed at how much better they grow.
Enjoy the beautiful outdoors today! In just 17 days, we begin Summer 2022. Hard to believe we’ll be celebrating Christmas 2022 in 203 days. And so it goes.
More tomorrow.