Last week, a series of unfortunate events left me praying for girlfriends on Thursday morning. Having been raised in a family of five girls, I’m the one that isn’t the girly type. High drama and the silliness of fashion leave me cold. Shopping isn’t a hobby of mine. I really rather talk about guy stuff. And yes, at 66 years of age, there is a big difference between girl stuff and guy stuff. Anyone who says there isn’t hasn’t lived much.
Thursday morning, being alone with my Bible, I prayed for a source of new girlfriends. Face it, as a single woman, the minute you are seen having coffee with a man, gossip spreads like wildfire. Not wanting to be THAT woman, I would delight in having a group of girlfriends to do things with. A group that is supportive and kind. As I prayed, in the back of my head a negative voice was saying “Right. Where are you going to find this?”
Around 9:15, still being alone and a little blue, I went out to actively search for a new source of friends. Another church had always been of interest to me. Not far from Winterpast, the church in question was located by the golf course. They might offer Bible studies at times different from the ones I was already attending. It was worth a try, so off I went in my little Jeep.
Sadly, when I drove into the parking lot, I realized not every church is hub of activity. On Thursday morning at 9:45-ish, this church was zipped up tight. No welcoming office staff. No Pastor out cutting the grass or washing the widows. Nothing except an empty parking lot. As empty as my heart at that moment.
Where would I ever find friends that were worthy of trust and laughter? Interesting people of like mind. Although I have a lifetime left to find them, that lifetime is getting shorter every day. I’d already tried the woman’s political group. That wasn’t a source of anything except heartburn and angst. A small town is limited in options.
I made a decision to go to Lowe’s and hit the garden section. Nothing better than a good selection of flowers to brighten a day. The threat of frost has now passed for this growing season and good temperatures for planting are almost over. Needing tomato plants, I decided that it would brighten my mood. My search for friendship could continue on another day.
Driving towards the railroad tracks, something came over me, ultimately guiding my little Jeep in a different direction. I remembered that on my first Thanksgiving, I’d been buying food for the dinner I had planned with Miss Firecracker and myself. Being our first widowed Thanksgiving, we would find laughter someway, somehow. Leaving the store, stood a small group of people collecting food for less fortunate families. They were such a good group, I went back in the store and shopped for them.
Now, I had some direction. The time — 9:50-ish. I’d go there first and see if they had a list of the programs offered. I knew they’d have something.
The church sits on the opposite side of the tracks. With three main buildings, cars filled the parking lot. Signs of life made me feel better the minute I drove in. Although I didn’t see any people, I spotted a small wooden sign pointing the way to the office. I’d just pop in, hoping that door was unlocked.
Opening the door, I wasn’t prepared for the scene on the other side. While I was just hoping for a slip of paper listing times and dates of studies and prayer meetings, God answered my prayer with something far more wonderful. Inside that door, around 4 tables set up in a square sat 12 – 14 of the most beautiful smiling faces. Refreshments sat at the ready. Homemade carrot cake and other goodies, along with steaming coffee.
At an empty chair, front and center, sat before a piece of paper. In rather large font it said the following:
\frend\ noun
someone who gives you freedom to be yourself;
one of the nicest things you can have;
the best thing you can be.
“Hi!!! You’re just in time for Bible study. Please stay!” said the cheery woman on the other side of the room. The time — 10:00. I had driven to this Bible study and arrived at exactly the right time on exactly the right day. There are no accidents in this life.
These women were similar in age to me. By 11:30, I felt as if I had known this group for a very long time. It’s all in the eyes and smiles. One woman brought me the study materials. Someone handed me a pen. Another made sure I had a copy of words to the songs we would sing at the beginning of the meeting. Yet another asked me to tell the group a little about myself. Just like that, God sent me to a safe place full of tender, caring people. A group of friends I hadn’t met yet, until right then.
Now included in their text chains, let the fun begin. Last night, a phone call turned into an hour of getting to know someone new. The most special woman who started the Bible study just months ago. A woman who is amazed at the speed in which it’s growing, one woman at a time. I’m so glad, I was last week’s new woman.
My Thursdays are booked for awhile. This group hits the Senior Center for lunch after class. I’m invited to a birthday party in June. Just like that.
When you need something, ask in prayer. Listen for the answer. Because, answers will come. Remember, there are no accidents in life.
More tomorrow.