When in the world did we all get too busy to show a little kindness? Let a person go ahead in line? Smile at a stranger? Helping a neighbor? The world is speeding at warp speed. The grouchy waitress might have been up all night with a cranky baby. The distracted sales clerk may have just lost their beloved pet. Unless the world starts connecting, things will only get worse. The greatest thing is that kindness is free. The simplest act can make someone’s day so much better. It just takes a little awareness and effort on our part.
Try it today. Just pick one person. Be kind. See what happens.
Is anybody happier
Because you passed their way?
Does anyone remember
That you spoke to them today?
This day is almost over
And it’s toiling time is through;
Is there anyone thinking about
A friendly word from you?
Can you say tonight in passing
With the days that slipped so fast
That you helped a single person,
Of the many that you passed?
Is a single heart rejoicing
Over what you did or said
Does one whose hopes were fading
Now with courage look ahead?
Did you waste the day, or lose it?
Was it well or poorly spent?
Did you leave a trail of kindness
Or a scar of discontent?
Kindness is a simple thing
Free and ever present.
Spread it all throughout your days
With joy, go forth. Be Pleasant.
Borrowed from God’s Little Devotional Journal for Women
Have a wonderful day today. Go forth and spread some kindness.
More tomorrow.