Yesterday was a day full of outdoor activities for me. From spraying the weeds to cleaning the spa, I enjoyed every minute of sunshine.
Oliver spent an hour protecting me from a leaf under the rose bush. It had caught his attention so he went to investigate. Every time he went to sniff it, his head was tapped by a rose thorn. Being a dog and all, he was sure that monstrous leaf was causing the problem. Try as he did, the thorns prevented him from getting closer. Who knows? Perhaps he saved me from a rattlesnake or something worse. I did check it out. Looked like a random leaf to me.
The birds have moved back in. Finches, black birds, crows, and doves. Everybody seems to be getting along on this Mother’s Day weekend. They’ve taken up residence in the little bird houses. With a bubbling drinking fountain and plenty of shade, they’ll stick around Winterpast for the season. I wish I knew what they were talking about as they seem to know all the neighborhood gossip.
The Peony’s and Iris’s will be opening soon. With the chance of snow on Sunday, I may pick some now and let them open in the kitchen. This year, I was really looking forward to plums, apricots, and blueberries. Late frosts and snows ruined the crop here at Winterpast. Well, there’s always next year. The best I can hope for is some pretty flowers, and that’s questionable.
Around noon, I went out for a cheeseburger after I’d received a coupon in the mail. My little town is suffering from a lack of workers. Restaurants are empty because people like me have given up the long waits and expensive prices in exchange for home cooking. Having the place to myself, I enjoyed the best hamburger and fries. My first Mother’s Day meal of the weekend!
Thinking back to my teenage years, I’d have loved nothing more than to get a job. Living in a sea of vineyards, the nearest town was 40 minutes away. To far to go when the average wage was $1.25 an hour. In the businesses around my little town today, the workers are mostly my age or older. Not many teens joining the workforce these days. A sad state of affairs.
Today, my weekend will continue with a binge on the Kentucky Derby. No favorite here. My favorite was always Bob Baffert, and that bad boy can’t attend for a few years. Now, we’ll never know if his horses were good enough to win all on their own. So many things in this world are not what they seem.
Just look at the Johnny Depp trial. Two people that had the world at their fingertips. Ego driven. Money wherever they turned. Private islands and entire villages. Private jets to movie premiers in which they were the stars. The world was theirs. How many millions have been put under the spell of Jack Sparrow? In the end, they were both pirates of the worst kind. Stealing admiration and accolades, when they weren’t acting but portraying their true selves. A pity.
Whatever you do this Mother’s Day Weekend, treat yourself kindly. Do something that makes you smile. Mom’s have the most wonderful superpower of all. We created other humans. Pretty incredible.
More tomorrow.