Shouting Into the Wind

Yelling aloud and louder,

Tilling the gardens one bright day

The sound grew faint and fainter

Until it had slipped away.

My words were gone forever

They were never coming back

The wind absorbed my mournful cry

And wouldn’t give it back.

I shouted words in anger


Life’s cruelty cut me deeply

Wounded, I was left to cry.

Others said I was strong enough

To tackle the world alone.

I told myself that silly lie,

From morning until dawn.

Until one day I came to see

That certainly wasn’t true.

I could do nothing by myself

Without God to see me through.

Sweet memories that day did give

Such things to think about

When there are things I just can’t do,

When troubles give me doubt,

Remember, I must, I’m not alone,

Not when I walk or run,

For somedays there are tracks from two

Somedays just tracks of one.

God carries me through the valleys,

He guides me through the hills,

He watches as I sleep,

Protecting me when I’m still.

Fewer days of rants and raving

More days of smiles prevail

God’s words, and truths, and comfort

Guide me through every travail.

Every widow, listen here,

Through the darkest days of all,

Listen carefully to your heart

For God’s mysterious call.

J. Hurt 5/3/2022 — (Inspired by “Word Echoes” — C.A. Lufburrow)

*****Somedays, we all just need to Let Go and Let God.

More tomorrow.