Sundays have become really special days for me. Looking forward to seeing my church family, I arrive early to enjoy visiting friends. With the rest of my life before me, new friendships take time to sprout and grow. Attending Bible Study is a chance to let these friendships bloom in a healthy environment.
Finding my little church was something I couldn’t have predicted before it happened. VST and I had faith. As Christians, we relied on God’s grace and mercy to carry us through a great life. Experiencing normal ups and downs, we always planned to join a church just as soon as life settled down. We never took that step together. I wish we would’ve. It’s one of the very few regrets I have about our life together.
April 8th, 2021, T and K (VST’s twins) had come to observe their Dad’s one year Heaven-ersary. We were looking for some ammunition at the local hardware store, which had a limited supply. An employee suggested we check out a new gun store in town. Hidden just around the corner, as is everything in a small town, we went. It was there I met Pastor C, the owner of a legal and federally-licensed backyard gun store AND the preacher of Baptist on Main.
Gun stores in the Wild Wild West are something to behold. You never know where you will find them or what they merchandise they might sell. I’ve even held in my hand a REAL flame thrower. It was tough to set that one down. Just about every kind of gun is available in Nevada. In fact, it’s an “open carry” state. The first few times I saw a .45, visible in a holster, I was a little shocked.
If our recent murder victim would have had a gun in her car she might not have been the girl shot in the head and buried in the desert. The bad guys always have their own weapons. Consider the New York City shooting yesterday. Guns are BANNED in New York. EXCEPT for the active shooter. You can’t fight a bullet with a brief case. Again, the bad guys ALWAYS have guns. Their bad guys. Laws don’t matter to them.
So, on April 8th, I was lucky enough to meet Pastor C while making a purchase. He invited me to Baptist on Main and I decided to give it a try. Best decision ever. An unusual place of love, respect, consideration, and worship. Everyone knows everyone, if not by name, by smiles and handshakes.
At Bible Study yesterday, we held a birthday celebration for a lovely friend. A widow alone, like me, she moved here to live with family while getting treatment for an illness. The chocolate cupcake with extra icing and sprinkles reminded me to teaching days when the random birthday would come along. A classroom of 3rd Graders know how to celebrate.
Friday, I’ll attend a different kind of gathering at the Northern Nevada Veterans Cemetery on the outskirts of town. At 11:00, a veteran I never met will be laid to rest. The brother of church friends, Tom and Katherine, in honor of him I plan to attend. In a church, every aspect of life is front and center. Celebrations and grief, all while reflecting on and holding tight our faith. For me, it’s a great comfort.
On Easter Sunday, church friends are coming to Winterpast for a pot luck. It’ll be my first gathering since VST’s memorial. I have no idea how many people will drop by, but they are each to bring something yummy to eat. I know Samantha is bringing her homemade rolls. Charlotte is bringing a ham. I’m making a turkey breast and salad. Now, if the weather will just cooperate.
Hosting lunch for the church choir, you can only imagine the list of things that need doing. I’ll be back Monday with lots to share. Please enjoy your Easter week. Springtime is a lovely time of year to get outside. It’s the best time of the year for new beginnings.
Until then, enjoy a lovely Easter!!!