Yesterday looked a lot like this picture here in the high desert plains of Nevada. The weather can’t decide yet. One minute it’s still and warming, the next overcast and blustery. It always surprises me how tall the sage brush grows. Even though it doesn’t look like it, sage brush can grow to be 4 1/2′ – 5′ tall. Everything seems closer than it really is. The ground looks flat, but it’s really uneven. All deceiving at a first glance.
Yesterday was an in-between spring day. Bright blue skies made things look warm and inviting, while the desert winds were brisk. It was the day they found Ronnie and Beverly Barker. Sadly, only Beverly was taken to the hospital. Ronnie had already died.
I don’t know these folks. They aren’t my beloved mother, father, brother, sister, aunt, uncle or friend, although they were all those things in their lives. It took nine days of red-taped insanity to get anyone to listen. Even the Nevada Silver Alert System couldn’t be activated right away because the couple didn’t live in our state. It took regular citizens to hound the governors office to bend that rule. WHATTHE HECK??? It took a week to get planes in the air, even though Beverly and Ronnie had been in the Civil Air Patrol themselves.
Ron and Beverly carried 8 days worth of supplies and medicines. They were both diabetic, according to family. Beverly used a walker.
In this crazy world, it isn’t common to make a plan and stick to it. Our generation of people do just that. These two were going to be at their friend’s house on a certain day at a certain time. It’s called an appointment. Not suggested arrival time, but a day and hour in which the visitors knock on the door and the host has an array of goodies and drinks waiting for the travelers. Pillows are fluffed and waiting for their weary heads. When one has an appointment on a certain time and day, they don’t decide at the last minute to go see the wildflowers in Death Valley, or take a side trip to Yosemite National Park. Friends and family of Ron and Beverly knew, without a shadow of a doubt, something was very, very wrong. Again, Law Enforcement didn’t LISTEN TO THE FAMILY.
My generation doesn’t decide at the last minute to take a detour in an opposite direction. We know how to prepare and execute a real plan of action. However, it’s so easy to trust travel technology. Their chosen route ended in death. How these medically fragile, elderly people were abandoned in the desert for 9 days is beyond my comprehension. Lack of action by Law Enforcement will definitely be a factor when I plan a road trip. In this day and age, we’re all on our own. Don’t expect or welcome help from anyone. Don’t expect the Calvary to come to your aide should something go wrong.
Ronnie and Beverly’s RV was located on Red Mountain near Silver Peak. I haven’t been there, but expect its a place that VST would have never chanced taking our rig. He was careful in that way. The news reported their rig was found stuck in mud. It was raining the night they went missing. Their car was gone. The couple was found a little later.
Two days ago, when no one had any idea where they could be, I had the most chilling thought. Remembering back to my own RVing days, I wondered if Beverly ever learned how to drive the rig herself. I didn’t. In an emergency, I could have. I would have. But, I also wouldn’t have known the best ways to move a 30′ house, especially on dirt roads. I remember eliminating certain motorhomes from consideration due to their extremely low clearance. Sadly, Ronnie and Beverly’s motorhome appeared to be that type. Not recommended for off road adventures.
I also wouldn’t have had strength enough to unhook the Jeep trailing behind the rig. Ladies, if you are the passenger of an RV, insist that you know how and are able to do these two things. Be an active participant because it just might save your life.
As the days go on, please join in prayer for Beverly’s recovery from this nightmare. Please pray that our “protectors” change some laws to locate vulnerable people that get lost in the desert. Minutes are critical in “Missing Person” cases. In the last month, Nevada authorities have twice wasted valuable days, resulting in death to victims.
Thank goodness for Missing Person Facebook Pages. It was because of thousands of interested people that both cases received attention from the press and law enforcement. Those concerned followers got Civil Patrol planes in the air.
Heal quickly, Beverly. Rest in Peace, Ronnie. You are missed.

More tomorrow.