It’s been two weeks now since Naomi was kidnapped. A girl with big dreams finally living her own life in the safest town in America. I moved to this little place because it was so safe. Out in the middle of no where, bad guys would need to be crazy to come here. There is not much to rob or pillage. Just a sweet little desert town.
Just the other day, I met a Marine in California. He was a crusty old sort for being in the middle of his life. He was complaining about everything in the world. This was wrong. That was wrong. But looking in his eyes, you could tell that he wasn’t happy. That was the real reason everything else was wrong. I mentioned that he could always step across the Sierra Nevada’s and live in a good state like Nevada.
“Nevada? Who the heck would want to live there?”
I get that response from many of my California friends. When VST and I first chose to move to Nevada, it was for political and financial reasons. We wanted a fresh start. Nevada was the closest place to start. Wyoming was always called to my heart but the distance was too great. Nevada would have to do.
Nevada has exceeded every hope I had for a new home. Desert life will morph into anything you want it to be. Want to be miserable and see only brown desolation? There it is, staring you in the face. But, when you open your eyes and really examine the wonders of the desert, you just might find a wild mustang looking you right in the face. The green isn’t blinding here. But, the springtime greening of our hills does occur. When you do see the Truckee River flowing into Pyramid Lake, you appreciate the beauty of water. Our crackers don’t turn stale if we leave them out overnight. Nevada has everything except the Pacific Ocean. Until now, it felt very safe.
There are no smash and grab robberies here. No major forest fires bringing terror to the fleeing public. Earthquakes aren’t as severe, as we are on a primitive ocean bed of sand, cushioning all the action. There aren’t pile ups in the fog, or hours sitting in the car in traffic jams. There are no angry mobs taking over entire towns. It’s quiet. You can hear yourself think about important things. You can watch migrating birds. Imagine shapes in the most beautiful clouds. Enjoy the Zephyr Winds. Until now.
Last night, at around 8:30, it was announced that the monster has been found. The soulless piece of flesh that kidnapped Naomi. He didn’t only ruin her life, but disrupted something special here in our little town. His eyes are vacant, like that of a great white. He has a smirk on that ugly mugshot. He knows where she is. He did this. It’s on video.
The Walmart from where Naomi was stolen hasn’t been my Go-To place for some time now. Choosing to drive 30 minutes across the desert, I’ve felt safer. The Eastern Walmart store has been cleaner. The associates friendlier. This monster was arrested only a couple miles from the front door of that Walmart. Two communities are now on edge. What a big man…… Now where is safe?
Spending time on “Naomi Irion – Missing/Abduction – Fernley, Nevada” Facebook site last night, I read posts from a community in shock. Hearts are breaking. We all want her back. Now. Family members were absent from the site last night. I hope they found comfort in the prayers being sent for them.
Today there will be a community search by foot. It’ll be interesting to see how many thousands show up. Rainbow ribbons are everywhere. The sunset was a ablaze in a rainbow of colors last night. A sign? Please God, let it be a sign that she’ll come home today. We all need a miracle.
Prayers for our Naomi.
More tomorrow.