These have been some sad days in our town with the kidnapping of 18 year old Naomi Irion. Slowly, the town is filling with ribbons, as towns do when something terrible has happened. Naomi loved rainbows so her ribbons have all the colors. Tuesday night, hundreds attended a candlelight vigil, with many more people lighting virtual candles in hopes of a safe outcome. Our town doesn’t lose our young girls. At least not until now.
Her parents and brothers have flown in from South Africa. The town raised the funds for them to do so on a Go-Fund Me Account. Her sister is here from Texas. Her brother, with whom she lived, is a local. My town has come together to find her. Last Saturday, 700 people searched on horseback, ATV’s, Jeeps, and Trucks. Nevada’s desert plains are vast. The town spent the day looking, along with local police and even the FBI.
Just look at the high desert of Northwestern Nevada on Google Earth. This is a difficult task. I could drive on dirt roads for a hundred miles in any direction and never meet up with a soul. Naomi could be thousands of miles away, or she could be right under our noses. She is SOMEWHERE and SOMEONE knows SOMETHING. Please come forward.
Naomi’s story is viral now. She was taken from a town right next to some major interstates. I-80, Highway 50, Highway 95A, Highway 50A, Highway 95, Highway 395. All those roads lead in different directions. She could be anywhere by now. She’s not a small girl. 5’11”. 200+ lbs. Keep an eye out for things that don’t look right. Report anything you know to the police. Her family needs our help. We need her back.
As for me, I’ve been a busy one. Last Saturday, Ace invited me to join him in California for a change of scenery. Even though his town has a smaller population than mine, it is a busier place. People were out and about in mass. I was lucky enough to enjoy a beautiful breakfast at the town’s tiny airport where we ate just feet away from the planes. It’s wonderful that the world is returning to normal, even though it might not be exactly as before.
On my side of the Sierra’s, we stopped in at Cabella’s. If you’re interested in outdoor activities, hunting, or guns, this place is for you. They have everything the adventurous person would need. From hiking and biking to fishing and hunting. Target practice. Clothes in which to look cute while target practicing. Purses for secreting personal protection.
When first entering the store, two very friendly associates were pushing their credit cards. It’s been a long time since I opened a new line of credit, but their deal was so great, I did. Along with the Visa, they’re offering $$$ off purchases, $$$ towards future purchases, a Cabella’s hat, and a versitle, multi-headed tool in purple or green.
While I was excited about my extra’s, Ace was a little down that he didn’t get goodies when opening his account just a week before in California. Sure enough, the Nevada people were happy to give him the knife and hat, as well. Happiness for all. Sometimes it’s the smallest things. If you are near Cabella’s, drop in. You won’t be disappointed, unless you’re looking for perfume, an evening gown, or stilettos. On second thought, they might have the stilettos, as the definition reads — a short dagger with a tapering blade. Hmm, I thought the word referred to heels only. Silly me.
Now back home, the mountains around here are the slightest shade of gray-green. In the desert, that’s as much green as you can expect. Mustang foals are making their grand appearance. The herds have made it through another winter. We all have.
Please keep Naomi in your hearts and minds. Send prayers for her safe return. She has her entire life in front of her. We need her back.
More tomorrow.
PS– Watch more about Naomi’s case at KOLO, KTVN, or KRNV in Reno. Podcast at Crime Stories with Nancy Grace. Several stories on YouTube.