Driving through town last night, you’d never know anything was amiss. The Tee Pee Bar and Grill had the usual five cars in the parking lot, while The Bear’s Den was overflowing. No traffic to speak of, even though it was the evening of St. Patrick’s Day. The truck stops were bustling with activity, but there was no sign of police presence. That’s usual, because, 18 year old women didn’t get snatched while waiting for a work shuttle.
The hidden homeless encampment secreted by the brick next to the freeway is now exposed. The homeless near the abduction site have moved on. Otherwise, the town’s folk carry on, many not even knowing this happened.
The usual things you read about in other abductions are happening. The ribbon makers are sitting at the local Pizza joint making Rainbow pins. Flyers are being sent far and wide. The candlelight vigil is being planned by a family friend. The “Find Naomi” Face Book page is up and running, keeping everyone informed of what the news isn’t saying.

Last night, in a tiny lake town next to an Indian Reservation, law enforcement showed up with lights blazing. The locals wrote about both uniformed and plain clothed officers working an area. The FBI had arrived. You can tell from the picture, this isn’t a city. There are thousands of square miles with desert terrain just like this. Naomi could be anywhere, but they chose this spot to investigate. With requests for the public to “Stay Away”, they worked late into the night searching for possible evidence in the case.
As today’s sun rises, there’ll be more facts and rumors weaving a tale more fantastical than the girl they are about. With the best luck, we will all be celebrating her return. But then, the story may end like it does for so many young women these days. With tragedy facing her friends, family, and our little town.
Please keep Naomi and her family in your thoughts and prayers.
More tomorrow.