Romantic Movies to Share

Other than the Olympics, I seldom watch network television. The commercials on NBC seem foreign and judgmental. Becoming irritated with the entire mess, I began thinking about the most enjoyable movies I’ve watched since VST died. Some of them were his favorites, too. But, at this point, most of them I’ve discovered on my own. With Valentine’s Day coming soon, I thought I’d share my list of my favorites with you.

Viewing romantic movies alone can be a little sad, or they can take you to a time and place when you weren’t. These days, I enjoy seeing a normal world in which we didn’t need masks and social distancing, even if just on a television screen. Days of picnics and walks in the park. Outings that were jam packed full of laughs, great conversation, and tenderness. For those experiencing widowhood, those days are in the rear view mirror for awhile.

Everyone needs love in their life. Sometimes, it’s fun just to watch a movie and get sucked into the dialogue, knowing a happy ending shows up in two hours or less. At least the boy and the girl usually end up in a good place. So, here is my list of Go-To Romantic movies.

  1. An Affair to Remember — This has it all. The Atlantic crossing. The handsome guy. Beautiful gal. Star Crossed Soul Mates and surprise ending, if you haven’t seen it yet.
  2. Sleepless in Seattle — A little rough if you’ve just entered the World of the Widowed. But, also a good message. Time moves on. Everyone needs love. Back in the saddle again, Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks work well together.
  3. Ghost — Cry-eyes warning. Some scenes were stunning. So beautiful. I mean, young Demi Moore’s eyes are just too much. They must have computer generated sparkly tears. And those lashes. Get out the Kleenexes. Although it gets a bit much towards the end, it’s still fun to watch.
  4. IQ — Mechanic meets beautiful intellect. This isn’t as well known as many of Meg Ryan’s other movies. Walter Matthau, as Albert Einstein himself, does a great job. This was one of VST’s favorite’s, too. Wa-Hooo.
  5. Along Came Polly — Jennifer Anniston plays an adorable character named Polly. Pretty cute.
  6. South Pacific — Twice a year, I need my fix. The beautiful island. The tension of the war. The nurses. Mitzi Gaynor and Rossano Brazzi. One of my all time favorites. No surprise, VST wasn’t a fan as this is a musical.
  7. The Lake House — I’m usually not a Sandra Bullock fan, but she nailed this one. This movie has a twisted little tale to tell. A quiet little love story about time.
  8. The Notebook — Oh my. One of my all time favorites. Who of us wouldn’t love a partner like James Garner? This movie is about the strength of a life time of love and the frailty of life.
  9. The Holiday — Just a ditzy little movie about two unhappy women looking to find love. Switching homes with each other, they find love exists in many forms.
  10. When Harry Met Sally — My all time favorite movie on so many levels. Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan nailed the movie that seems to have been written for them. They play off each other so well. Not an intellectual movie, it’s strictly sweet and fun.

So, those are my top ten romantic movies. I’m sure you know of many of your own. Comment about the titles of any you think we shouldn’t miss. After all, there are only eight more days until Valentine’s Day! Plenty of time for watching movies.

More tomorrow.