Forget It


If you see a tall fellow ahead of the crowd,

A leader of music, marching fearless and proud,

And you know of a tale whose merely telling aloud

Would cause his proud head to in anguish be bowed,

It’s a pretty good plan to forget it.

If you know of a skeleton hidden away

In a closet, and guarded and kept from the day

In the dark; whose showing, whose sudden display

Would cause grief and sorrow and lifelong dismay,

It’s a pretty good plan to forget it.

If you know of a spot in the life of a friend

(We all have spots concealed, world without end)

Whose touching his heartstrings would play or rend

‘Till the shame of its showing no grieving could mend,

It’s a pretty good plan to forget it.

If you know of a thing that will darken the joy

Of a man or a woman, a girl or a boy,

That will wipe out a smile or the least way annoy

A fellow, or cause any gladness to cloy,

It’s a pretty good plan to forget it.

Be kind today. Look for the good in people. In this crazy world, it’s hidden sometimes, but there is good to be found. The world produces an abundance of bad every day. Choose happiness.

More tomorrow.