Snow Bird With the Clipped Wings

Still on vacation, today I’m writing to you from an unfamiliar setting of a ski lodge. I would love to say, “Never have I ever”, but the truth is, I have. Skiing didn’t go well for me the two times I tried it. Not just kind of “Not Well” but a miserable fail. I’ll admit, I do ski lodge well, just having downed a delicious cup of hot chocolate. Not homemade, but still really good.

Watching skiers ride up the open lifts with five people across, I’m not envious in the least. From past experience, it is quite possible to drop both ski poles and a glove while being suspended 100 feet above the snow. Yes. I found this out in my 23rd year. It is also possible to be talked into traveling heavenward on some ski lift, that drops you off in a sheet of ice, where it is possible to make five skiers fall in a heap. They turn the lift off for that, even though it hits many in the head before they can make that happen.

After those major lessons, I know it’s possible to fall about 53 and 1/2 times when trying to get down a mountain that is for advanced skiers only, until finally taking off the skis to walk down. Finally, it’s possible for one lone ski to zip through ski school, causing many people to become quite agitated as they yell “Ski”.

In my 66 years, I’ve learned a few things. I do ski lodge very well while having no desire to actually ski. Ace, on the other hand, skis with the best of them. 45/45 is his best. A 45 degrees slope at 45 MPH. Having witnessed this with my own eyes, this is true. What he wants with this Danish Dumpling is beyond me, but, he smitten he is. His athletic abilities are a fascination to me.

As I sit here, I find that unskilled skiers clumping around in ski boots on wooden floors are very annoying to a writer. However, I’m in their world. Everyone is so thin and tanned, it makes my hidden little seat in the corner and out of the way seem secure. Not being thin or tanned at the moment, I prefer being invisible at my own little table. Skiers are in a hurry. Everyone races around to get back to the five person chair lifts that goes to the top of the mountain. Like ants, I watch them traversing the hills, gracefully and in full control.

In a small way, I wish I could learn to do something even 1/10 so graceful, but that isn’t to be. Graceful is not a word that describes any part of me. Smart? Sometimes. Intelligent? A little. A writer? Absolutely. But, able to put one foot in front of the other and walk a straight line? No. Fergettabout sliding down ice and snow on two boards.

Ace, on the other hand, is able to jump small moguls with a single bound. Learning to ski at the appropriate age of five years old, it’s second nature for him to spend time on the slopes. He has skied resorts I’ve only seen in movies.

Coming prepared with my laptop, I planned to write while looking out at the breathtaking view. However, there’s a new rule in the lodge along with insane rules everywhere else in this crazy world. So sick of idiot rules, I cringed when I was told, “Absolutely, Without Discussion, and Final in Every Way……..NO LAPTOPS!!!!” Now, in this laid back, “Hey Dude” environment, what the heck? What IS the problem. There were four of us in a restaurant big enough hold 150. I’m out of the way. Quiet. Drinking $.25 hot chocolate for which I paid $3.25 at THEIR snack bar. My keyboard is quiet. I’m on MY hotspot. So, what’s the problem with my activity? The two employees that protested most likely failed their writing classes in high school. Jealous.

I got up to move to the Lounge at 10 AM when it opened, thinking the vibe might be a little more relaxed there. Helga of Baskerville informed me of the “NO LAPTOP” policy before I even got my two feet into the place. What the Heck??? Mattered not. Places where 10 people are drinking beer at 10 AM isn’t good energy for me, “DUDE”. I went back to reclaim my territory in the restaurant.

With blaring music from an antiquated sound system, I wish that I was in the comfort of Winterpast with sweet little Oliver at my feet. This place with it’s athletes and winter warriors isn’t my cup of hot chocolate. At least, for 2022, I can add it to my list of adventurous outings and plan to sit in the hotel hot tub later today. I’m glad Ace is having a wonderful time doing what he loves the most. Glad I got to experience a little of it with him.

Whatever you do today, try to stay upright. Ice and snow are slippery to negotiate. Keep that in mind if you venture out. Remember the sun screen and go have a great day!!

More tomorrow.