Nothing Like a Baby to Make People Smile

If you have any access to a baby, run, don’t walk, for some fun. Babies are some of the finest people in the world. Period. They live their life in the moment, just taking everything about this crazy world in, while making everyone around them happy. Here’s the deal. You can’t be anything but happy in the presence of a baby. Even when they pitch a fit, they are irresistable.

Yesterday, Baptist on Main had a very special day. Along with Holy Communion, a special guest of the littlest kind came for his Dedication. Little Mr. Dandy Pants sat in the back, not wanting to draw attention to himself. Of course, being only months old, he depended on Mom and Grandma to pick the right seat. Pastor C introduced himself to the little guy, but the baby was having nothing to do with strangers. Mom had obviously taught him well.

Funny thing about babies is that THEY KNOW. When it was his turn up front near the pulpit, Little Mr. Dandy Pants was okay at first. Of course, the entire congregation just melted. Here is this tiny little guy who controlled the room. His mom had him dressed in a tiny little shirt that said, “Ladies, I Have Arrived”. He looked from person to person, most of whom were older than Grandma. Every one of us were immediately in a better mood from receiving a single gaze. Truly, this little guy could work a room.

Now, Pastor C can be a little scary to someone less than 2 feet tall. Sporting a beard longer than this child and a booming Southern Baptist kind of voice, Pastor C wasn’t immediately accepted as “Friend”. Little Mr. Dandy Pants tried avoidance. He looked everywhere but the direction of the Pastor, while getting the tiniest of worry lines above his eyes. He was figuring out that he was the center of attention for some adult reason. The problem was, he didn’t quite know what would happen next.

It was then that he started to cry with the faintest whimper. Even more adorable, he clung to his mom’s finger and became more worried as Pastor C went through the meaning of a child’s dedication to the church. Finally, the time had come for Pastor C to hold the child and anoint his forehead with oil. The faintest of whimpers turned into a full blown ruckus every angel on high could hear. Little Mr. Dandy Pants made it known he wanted his Mama. NOW.

In a matter of minutes the dedication was over and he was returned to the safety of the back row in church. Everything quieted down again and the service went on without another interruption. Little Mr. Dandy Pants fell asleep with those little hiccup-y sounds all of us retired Mom’s remember. Everything was okay now that Mom and Grandma were on guard on the earthly side of things. I am sure the angels were singing about the newest little boy brought to Jesus.

it would be fun to fast forward decades to observe The baby as an old man. Many people choose to sit in the back of the church. Maybe his seating preference today will follow him through life. I wonder if he’ll sleep through services then, too.

Babies. One of the brightest spots in the universe. If you have one, spend lots of time snuggling with them. If you don’t, try to borrow a snuggle once in awhile. Babies know a lot. Have a wonderful day.

More tomorrow.