Creating a Lovely Home

Inspired by God’s Little Devotional Journal for Women

Although all my homes have been very different, with effort, each one has been beautiful. It didn’t depend on the walls color or the furniture, but the feelings inside. Anyone can create an admirable home with thought and presence of mind to make it so. As a widow, I need to remember I deserve a pleasant home even though it’s just Oliver and me.

Harsh or unkind words have no place in a home worth inhabiting. I’ve needed to stop watching television when I find myself scolding an electrical impulse. I suspect many of you may yell at the TV from time to time just like I do. So much negativity and vulgarity is displayed at our own will. The “Off” button ends a source of information that doesn’t affect me in the least bit. Unless the weather report is warning of an imminent blizzard, no news affects me directly. However, it can certainly upset me directly. Lately, I’ve chosen the “Off” button more times than the “On”.

Each person in a great home should be made to feel special, important, and valued beyond measure. That includes ourselves. I forget to speak to myself with respect on many occasions or even cook myself a special meal once in awhile. Somedays, I speak more kindly to Oliver than to myself. Our inner voice can be cruel and judgmental. A little self love goes a long way to a happier outlook on life.

My soul needs cuddling after a trying day. Favorite artists always calm me down. Being the safest place in the world, it’s one in which I can dream up crazy schemes without someone shooting them out of my mind before they have a chance for consideration. My individual creativity takes hold and grow. Without security, that can’t happen. If it can’t happen for me, it certainly can’t happen for others entering my home.

A great home is a safe place to communicate about sensitive subjects. Many possible relationships ended because two people didn’t stop to hear one another. Sometimes hard truths not pleasant or endearing need to be said and understood. In a great home, secrets between two are treasured and protected.

Friendship blossoms in a solid home. Boundaries and privacy are respected. People living there put others before themselves. Giving more than taking, members put the important demands of a home first, being helpful while trying to keep a cheerful demeanor even if it’s dog poop day.

Sound heavenly? Impossible? No. It’s not. It takes focus and mindfulness while desiring to make it so. Really, it’s that easy.

Today, try to make your home the perfect one for you. If there is something physical that bothers you, fix it. If it’s messy, clean it up. If it’s dirty, wash it. If there a disagreement that is bothering you, talk about it. If there is a need for hugs and kisses, make them happen. If laughter has been missing, find some. Make it what you want, because, after all, there is nothing more important than home.

A wise person once wrote—

“A good thing to remember

A better thing to do,

Work with the construction gang,

Not with the wrecking crew.”

Have a wonderful day!

More tomorrow.