Be Prepared, Always

The weather has been super around these parts. Even though the nights are winter cold, the days have been bright, sunny, and warm. We’ve been experiencing the high 40’s, which for winter time, is just lovely. With the bluest skies shining overhead, I’m happy to report my cold is gone.

Almost two weeks have passed since I became sick. Normal viruses used to be predictable, taking ten days to run their course. How I long for the viruses of yesterday. Luckily, my regular old cold followed the proper course leaving me no worse off than before. It was just a runny nose, “I don’t feel well”, negative Covid-test, sneezy, cough-y, two Kleenex box cold.

A few lessons I learned through my little experience into illness isolation.

  1. Stay prepared. A week before I got sick, I inventoried my medicine cupboard, taking note of what was missing. Dayquil/Nyquil comes in pill form in a 14 day package. It’s wonderful stuff. No drippy nose or stuffiness. Take the orange pills in the day and the green ones at night. This stuff kept me feeling better than I would have. It was great to have a package waiting at the ready, just incase. Be sure to check that all your medicines agree with each other. It can be complicated.
  2. Keep orange juice on hand, even a small bottle. Vitamin C is great for fighting colds. It was also great to have a fresh bottle on hand.
  3. Even if you aren’t feeling the best, don’t forget to take your prescribed meds on schedule. A friend was ill with a cold and forgot to take her insulin, resulting in worse problems. Remember to eat and medicate on a regular schedule.
  4. Please don’t go anywhere if you are sick. Viruses are so contagious. Sadly, vaccinated or not, you can still get sick and spread viruses. If you have the slightest suspicion you are sick, PLEASE STAY HOME. Easy for me to say, I’m retired. But then, maybe it’s harder for us retirees that ARE alone. Main point, better be safe than sorry.
  5. Stay in touch with others, just in case. I was so blessed to have family and friends reach out to be sure I was okay. What a blessing! It’s good to have friends that check in. Accidents or illnesses come without warning. You just never know.
  6. Have an easy, nutritious go-to recipe that’s easy to prepare. For me, it was a pan of Mac and Cheese. When feeling the worst, it was nice to have a warm, gooey meal to keep me going. Chicken soup does warm the soul.

With shortages hitting us again, be sure to take inventory of your supplies. Stock as best you can. Don’t forget your furry friends. Oliver had plenty of food while I was out of commission. I keep a month’s supply of his food on hand, as the shortages have been hitting different items, dog food being one.

Today, I’m back on track. Even while riding out a silly cold, my days have been rich with happiness and fun. While resting, I’ve had time to reflect on the possibilities and goals that 2022 holds. Wondering if Walmart’s garden section is being stocked, Winterpast and I eagerly await bud break, still weeks away.

That’s it for today. Remember to start thinking about Valentine’s Day. Never forget to tell people in your life how much you love them. Spring is right around the corner!!!

More tomorrow.