A Word From Oliver

Hi there, Folks.

It’s me. Oliver. I know. I know. I don’t have thumbs, but I figured a few things out while sitting in Mom-Oh’s chair. This computer screen and keyboard are pretty neat.

Mom-oh is still pretty sick. She would tell ya’ll the she feels as great as I do, but really, she doesn’t. This NyQuil stuff she takes isn’t so good for getting my breakfast on time. She says she “groggy” or some such thing. Anyway, she needs more sleep.

We’ll be back on Monday. She’ll be better by then. Please tell your friends to read Mom-Oh’s blog. She works really hard to write every day. I know. I’m her helper.

Thanks everyone. I just might blog more someday.


PS….Don’t tell Mom-Oh. She’s not happy when I sit in her chair by accident.