The Best Book of All

I think I can begin to follow my G0D in a more meaningful way to to help improve my life.

No. Wait.

I can begin to follow GOD in a more meaningful way thus improving my life.

No. Wait.

I WILL follow GOD through meaningful scripture which will improve my life.

No. Wait.

I FOLLOW GOD’S WORD through scripture that IS life.

Better, but not quite there. The road is long to wisdom and understanding, and I’m only walking the first mile.

GOD speaks to my soul through HIS word.

Now, that’s a mission statement I can follow.

Following GOD’s word in an intentional way, I will find direction and correct my course.

HIS WORD will bring meaning.

No. Wait.

THE WORD is meaning.

THE WORD is life.


The Bible. Such a beautiful book. Pick one up and read it. You won’t be disappointed.

Have a wonderful day. More tomorrow.