Planning For an Outrageous 2022

On the sunniest Saturday, while tidying the office in a Goodbye to 2021, I forgot something important and essential. Resolutions. In this complicated world, I can’t plan for everything, but in the past, general goals in life have served me well. VST would remind me that before shooting arrows, they need to be aimed. Every morning over coffee, the goals of the day were discussed and then a plan was made to accomplish them.

I miss that.

A Lot.

My resolutions are similar to the ones I made last year. Some of them were accomplished and some of them will challenge me for life. With that thought, these are the ten top goals I embrace as I start of the new year!!!

  1. Improved Diet. For me, this includes what I eat, as well as when. Being single, meals times are of my choosing. Breakfast is simple, being built into my routine. It’s the other two that need more structure. With a sugar and flour free diet, my body is the happiest. Carbs are limited to 20 grams a day, which leaves plenty of room for veggies and occasional fruits. Christmas was a diet-free zone, but Christmas is over now. Back to reality.
  2. Exercise. Living in a neighborhood with beautiful paved streets and limited traffic, I’ve no excuse to avoid walking. With a high concentration of retired Seniors, the neighborhood is safe, quiet, and inviting. Under the blue skies and white puffy clouds is the perfect place to mentally prewrite upcoming blog posts as I stretch my legs. Oliver agrees with this goal and plans to join me. Couldn’t ask for a better walking partner than him.
  3. Budget Effectively. 2021 was a costly year for me. On the best day, just living is expensive and my little town is no exception. The unexpected HVAC replacement in June caught me off guard. Looking around, the next few years will be full of other unforeseen breaks and replacements. With expenses at a minimum now, I need to plan more carefully for the rainy days sure to come.
  4. Publish! My new interest. How different from the 1900’s. It’s possible to publish all on my own, with tools readily available on the internet. With time ticking away and a brain in my head, this hobby of mine I’ll continue. Free webinars with the most popular online DYI publishing site await scheduling. Choosing a front row seat, I’ll be sure to take lots of notes. 2022 will find my projects published. Watercolor painting and crocheting await. Don’t forget your creative side.
  5. READ! Just READ, Already! Without reading, I never would have run across the beautiful story about WINTERPAST and thus, found the perfect name for my home. Reading transports me to places and times I want to visit. A favorite past time of mine, I plan to do more.
  6. Develop New Friendships. I’ll explore my new neighborhood, beginning with my street. I want to learn the names of everyone living here, being the kind of neighbor they can call when there’s a need. Springtime is a great time to meet new people as I add details to my front yard project. I’m lucky to live in a neighborhood full of friendly faces I haven’t met yet.
  7. Visit Old Friends. I plan to be a house-guest this year. From northern Washington to the Central Coast of California, I plan to visit people I haven’t seen in a long, long time. Time is fleeting. I need to gas up and get going.
  8. Eliminate Excess Baggage. Take that however you like. Physical suitcases? Emotional baggage? Junk in the cupboards? 2022 is the year of the purge. Never knowing when it’ll be time to downsize again, I’ll be ready. With adorable thrift stores in town, I’ll be donating in a big way. Blogging will rid my brain of unnecessary clutter as I share life with faithful readers.
  9. Be a Tourist. I live in a tourist area. People come from all over the world to see the mustangs or the fossilized remains of the Ichthyosaur, a marine animal whose bones rest in the mountains of Nevada. Ghost towns. Rock fields. Top Gun. The grand Sierra’s. I plan to be a tourist this year, learning of all the wonderful places that are within a short distance of Winterpast.
  10. Live Every Moment. No matter the success of keeping 1-9, I will keep #10. The last two years taught me that we all have an unknown expiration date. Age matters not and each one of us has limited time. I refuse to wait for things to happen or a travel partner to appear. Days will be of my own creation and liking. I intend to explode out of bed at dark thirty every morning to write. Because, WRITING IS LIFE and LIFE I CHOOSE.

Resolve to make your own resolutions!!!!! Make your target Success. With arrows in our quiver and goals in our heads, we can’t miss.